Unova Journey -Chapter1-

My Unova Journey; Chapter 1: Choosing My First Pokemon * * * "Hi! My names Sissy! Today I'm going to be choosing my frist Pokemon." I ran up the stairs of the hill in Aspertia City. I've lived here for as long as I can remember. Today Prof....

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The Club (Chapter1 Wip)

The Club By Minguss 2014 Inside the club was more like a dungeon from someone's S&M dream. It was nothing like Chris would have expected. In his mid twenties he still was innocent enough to just have thought that it was like a kinky rave club, but...

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Hunter of Worlds: Phase1-Chapter1

**Phase 1, Chapter 1.** -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Velvet ears twitched lightly against the wires which brushed awkwardly against their tips, coils of copper dangling from various series of apparatus...

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Chapter1:Today Is A New Day

I'm so excited ^^ iv been wanting to write a stories sence iv read some stories on here, witch where amazing :). I hope you guys like it, I know its not long, but its all I can think of, and its all I could do..I have to share this computer with my...

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Chapter1 "On The Move To A New World"

The night seemed to be nothing but fog as the three trudged through the woods. Angel's snow white fur was covered in mud and ick from the hike. Her icy eyes seemed to cut through who ever would try to help her. Dan's black fur matched his setting as...

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A Tale of Two Assassin's Chapter1

A Tale of Two Assassin's 1.This is my first venture into writing a furry story. I've been writing for a while now and recently took an interest to the furry style. I believe I could bring my own unique style to the furry community. There will be yiff...

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The Fallen: One of the Five Chapter1

The Fallen: One of the Five by _Puppythekat_ The Fallen By Puppy the Kat CHAPTER 1 Hekima grunted as he pulled himself to his paws he had spent the night tossing and turning haunted by nightmares and bloodshed. He felt so tired even though he...


I'm more than his trainer now, chapter 1

I know the chapter1 one isn't the best, especially because i didn't really find my style at the moment where i wrote it. warning : hot scene in! if you hate m/m relation, hate pokemon, or don't like my style of writing, don't read it or do alt+f4.

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REBIRTH (Act 2, Book1, Chapter1)

**Esoteric Chronicles Act2, Book1** **REBIRTH** _November 29, 2:30 am..._ _San Francisco, California_ " **Don't make me take this shit out there** , it's pouring rain!" A waitress held a black bag of kitchen garbage in her hands, pouting at her...

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the unatural kid chapter1: fast reflexs

My name is andrew. Kids always are bullying me. Im well known some stores, only the stores my uncle and aunt work at. Kids always beat me up. I was walking home on surburban side of the city. I noticed a homless dog walking. I walked over to on it. I...

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Make Like Dillinger (Act2, Book2, Chapter1)

**Esoteric Chronicles** Act 2, Book 2 **_Family Bonds_** . Chapter -1- Make Like Dillinger _December 8, 2023 - 8am PST San Francisco Bay Aboard the "Busty Belle"_ ... ** Karla glared with a moue of disgust** , looking from the spider on her...

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Twenty-Five Years Later... (Book7, Chapter1)

BOOK #7 Twilight of the Gods series Dawn of Progeny Chapter -1- Twenty-Five years later... _Sunday, February 28, 2049 - 5pm District Coast Time zone (-1 GMT) Washington D.C._ **Kalen Kincade stood up atop the Watergate building** in old...

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