Dragons Lair pt 21

They got onto the main road and headed north, speeding towards the 4 way junction. fbi vans were on their tail and michael was pushing the car to its limits. he scraped the side of a 4x4 and weaved between the heavy traffic.

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human boy to elite hero ch.8 final chapter

That was, till he heard something around the next hallway, it was a 4-way intersection and the sound was coming from the left. he moved slowly to the corner peeking around to see nothing out of the ordinary, till he saw some of the wall shift.

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INTP Road to Self-Knowledge

. \* cognitive functions explained in simple terms "the perceiving functions the 4 ways to take in information are: extraverted sensing (se) introverted sensing (si) extraverted intuiting (ne) introverted intuiting (ni) remember, when you hear the

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First Steps Meets Royalty

"have you ever had a 4-way orgy before?" wendell asks. seriously, is there anything not crazy on his bucket list?

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On the back was the inscription "a squad from the hellhome brigade salutes a sexy jackal, and invites him to the minion of tyrr to be the filling in a 4-way sandwich." later he learned all 3 died, found in the battlefield with arms linked.

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Isolation-Excerpt 2-Quarantine

I slowly walked the scientists down the hall and to a 4 way intersection. to the right was the lounge, it was a three windowed room. inside i could see a counter with a microwave, a coffee maker, a sink and several cupboards.

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Hump Day

It is so large it takes up the entire end of the hall and mirrors the entire hall to the kitchen, making it look like it is a 4-way crossing.

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Brace for Impact Ch.2

They put me in a fatal-4-way x-division match with, dj zema ion, "stone cold" shark boy, and sonjay dutt. three tremendous x-division athletes i was looking forward to facing in the six-sided ring.

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Chapter 10 - Dragoons Unite! The Battle for Survival! (Part 2)

They quickly continued running, before coming to a 4 way intersection.

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Recollection: chapter 1

What was- a splitting pain shot through my head, metal contraptions flew over this stone, lights flashed, 18 wheelers tanked down freeways, signal lights dictated the flow of a 4-way traffic intersection. i was standing in the middle of the road.

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Discernably Ludicrous Issue 1

Weaving in and out of the 4-way hanging displays, i made it to the stock room and immediately rang for the freight elevator. a light blinked on: 'in use.' damn!

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The Tragic Story of Aeddan Smith: SUBJECT 5 CH 4

Ch 4 way out aeddan stepped into the veil of darkness and was instantly blind. he couldn't see a single thing, this darkness was the essence of dispare and felt like it was sucking the life from him.

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