The Ride to the Function
I once rode with someone i knew to a function. that is, by someone i knew, i mean someone i had never met once in my life, and by "function," my meaning is inconsequential to the story and the reader need know nothing more about it.
An Interview with Toumal: The SoFurry Search Function
**toumal:** those are not tied in to the search function - yet. in sofurry 2.0 this navigation will be cleaned up significantly, it's actually our major focus.
The Tongue's Function
#4 of coy bait (part 1) **the tongue's function** ganley was amazed at how he managed to go without meeting or even talking to rickie.
Functional Facilitation
Nills sat in the back of the rundown Brackwater Bar alone and shuffling through the pages of a thick tome. It was customary for the young man to arrive at the not-so-fine establishment exactly seventeen minutes after it opened and take his place where...
Recreational Functionality
. :3 **recreational functionality** "good morning, cy." "_good morning, jacob._" cy turned their head, raising an arm with a soft, almost imperceptible whirring of motors in greeting to their creator.
Hirsune Pt. 13 - Growing Pains
Larry had spent years rebuilding equality national back up to a functional level. lilly wasn't lying, either.
INTP Road to Self-Knowledge
The functions of the ego draw a pattern. restricting use of functions. super ego is a collection of functions that will influence the development of the ego. the way to development. the opposite develops the functions of the shadow.
Form and Function 01
I told you, your new parts are going to be fully functional. but since you're a canine and not a slug or something, only one set can 'work' at a given time.
Form and Function 02
It wasn't surgery, it wasn't hormone therapy, and it wasn't a temporary potion use, it was an actual, fully functioning intersex composition. the only way to get that was to be rebirthed.
GCHQ - Telekinetic Cock Q&A - Asher - 01
Fa tags: cock\_telekinesis telekinetic\_cock cock\_magic magic\_cock cock\_neurology prehensile\_cock functional\_hyper hyper male gay --- intro: wow you guys had a lot of questions for me after sam uploaded that story.
[Commission] An Utmost Functional Couple
To help you identify how and when you enable her, whether consciously or not, and to help you work towards being a more functional couple. i think at some point in time i'm going to have a session with the both of you... separately.
NFTs (Non-Functional Testicles)
Well with the bustchain, you can also mint a non-functional testicle to commemorate the occasion! it's like a permanent public record that you're the one who owns his missing ball!" "tep, that's..." lili bit her lip.