Across the way
Haley is a character of mine. You can't have her. Rob is used with permission from his player. Haley yawned and let herself into her dark apartment. Bumping on the light with her shoulder she dropped her heavy costume bag on the floor and...
To Take a Chance
"Oh holy fuck that hurts! Aww shit. I mean, damn my head is pounding..." Many firsts in such a short amount of time. Unfortunately, many of which he wouldn't remember to the extent he would wish to. Morning light cursed his opening eyes, causing...
Cohabitation - February
Jake considered himself a reasonably smart person. Not genius-level, maybe, but still pretty far up there. His grades had always been solid, and he was pretty sure he had at least a decent level of 'street smarts' as well. So even though the question -...
Snakeskin - Party Time
_A party suddenly is amped up with the gift of a mysterious...
_Okay. So. It's been forever since my last story, and school is officially back in session, sans me, the graduate. Yikes._ _Well, a new place in life and new perspectives has me switching fursona my chagrin. But, to start this off...
RSH- Deception
SEXUAL CONTENT WARNING This story contains consensual sex between a male human and a female Utahraptor. Read at your own risk. Keep track of your local laws regarding smutt and buttfuckery, because it's not my job. +++++++++ Readers, Thank...
It's A Long Story
...It's a Long Story (Short story by Sylvr) Disclaimer: This little enchilada contains yiffs, nekked furs and underage drinking...lots and lots of underage drinking...yada, yada, yada...if you're not supposed to read about this kinda stuff...go away...
Zak's Switcheroo
Warning: Adult Content. Zak's Switcheroo 06/23/2004 By: Killenor A green streak split the sky of Dragonland. Traveling with a speed heretofore unmatched, Zak searched with squinting eyes. He sought the answers to the latest predicament. He...
Passing Out Part 1
"Fuck---" I hit the wall hard. Somewhere behind me I can feel the cold winter air blowing smoothly through the open doorframe. I breathe in heavily and push against the wall, stumbling as the floor drifts listlessly to the side. My claws dig...
Anum Chaos – Question from my Mind Chapter 1-3
Thats here the FIRST 3 chapters of my story. the next ones are in work. hope ya guys like them. ^^ Anum Chaos - Question from my Mind By Walter Albrecht 2007 © Starring: W.A. the Anum, Dark Orend, R.A. the Anum, Faly, Black Flame, Sahra...
Cocktail Hour
Cocktail Hour Summer had just begun, the air had warmed to a point where sweaters no longer needed to be worn and birds started to sing in earnest. Fifty miles off the coastline a large yacht sat in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by pristine blue...
Lyle le Loosely Lucid Lion - Part 3/3 (in honor of AW451)
_Everyone, including the football players, were waiting in the conference room, sitting in the seats with the other slutty cheerleaders, whom each had a mutation of HIV. You know what I'm sayin'? The cough...the conference room was filled with furs:...