Through the Looking Glass: Chapter 6-A

"besides, your hair doesn't even look that great anyway," added the grey-furred hedgehog. however, trophy thomas had noticed the she-bear standing by banjo's side, and so he missed the comment from silver.

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SYBT: The Fall of the I.T. Department

The grey fur snaked its way around her shoulders and up the back and sides of her neck and down her arms.

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Psycho Savior

\*\*\* chapter 3: criminals of bedtown one grey furred cat, siamese twin cats, and a donut shop set up in middle of the town. the grey cat has his gun.

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What You Leave Behind

Dark grey fur grew from his wrists to consume his hands, as he watched in fascination his middle digits fused together, while his remaining digits grew slightly longer and thinner.

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Sharing the Ride

A mouse, grey furred, dark haired, slightly plump and beaming from ear to ear.

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I Went to the Market for A...

He leaned in close, the grey fur of his broad chest coming to rest on ako's black and white stripes. he began to move his hips. ako gasped, hand over his mouth. no way he was prepared for this.

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Dew-induced Lycanthropy - Werewolf TF

His shirt split open, his chest barrelling slightly forwards as his muscles grew, grey fur covering his front, black around the sides and brown elsewhere.

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Kage's Camping Trip 4

The grey furred wolf said with a small smile as he put the post back in the ground.

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Dae's Fursona Introduction

Dae is an anthro housecat with medium-to-light grey fur. he's 21 but looks slightly younger, which has gotten him carded the few times he has experimented with alcohol. he has found a strange sort of pride from this. he's about 5'8'', with a lean build.

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First Invocation - The Magic 'Man'

He nodded, licking his lips, watching the soft grey fur that covered her new sack slowly forming a sheath over the plastic toy as he placed it once more in his mouth.

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Compassion of Lust

His ears became pointed; grey fur grew across his entire body. he gasped and moaned as the transformation took place and he soon found himself in the form of a big, grey-furred werewolf.

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One More Roll

grey fur standing on end from the surprise, liam stood right back up and bolted towards the door on his modest home.

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