Maternity Maneuver
The knight had a gloved hand on his sheathed sword and the half-orc had a warhammer slung over his back. "what is the meaning of this, lars?"
Jack: Rexi and Talon: 11. Talon
The half-orc turned it over and over in his hands, smelled the supple leather, and then sighed. "i can't tell. it could be either. talon, hold still." "yes ..."
Proving Power Through Pleasure 5
Her cock jumped up at the soft musk coming off it, and the half-orc grinned. "dragoness still bitch?" "heh. no." with a thwack of her tail, she dislodged the half-orc, and she spun.
Jack: Rexi and Talon -- 14. Talon
The half-orc grimaced. "yes. a meeting with the masters of that city and market. fine. i've asked and borrowed and begged and hinted and suggested--and i've set one up.
Wrack and Rune, Part I
The half-orc suddenly felt dirty, horrified..! he stepped forward, scowling. "roland! what's the meaning of this?!"
Jack: Rexi & Talon 18 -- 'Zackton Silvercane'
The half-orc had no intention of letting anyone touch talon at all. of course, there might be someone there stupid enough to attempt to enrage him, but that would be particularly stupid. baiting half-orcs was a good way to get killed.
Dark city
The tall man smiled down at the young half orc. "not a problem." he grinned.
Dark Desires
Pre-cum oozed from the half orcs piss slit.
Bors: A Warmaster Jack Novella Part Four
It was really just the sound of jack; the half-orc pounding away at the human.
A Most Dangerous Game (2/10)
Also it gave him and vyrnen more time to talk to the half-orc and see what they could get out of him before that happened.
Welcome to the Jungle
The gnoll started grinding and rubbing along his body, teasing it and nudging it with armpits, and with his shifting loincloth, the half-orc could feel the pressure of a dick rubbing along his thighs.
Jack: Rexi & Talon -- Chapter 26 - Rexi
If zackton had sent the rest of them away, then this was seriously dangerous, and rexi was more than willing to leave the half-orc's battles to the half-orc. not that his family might not visit the paracount's manor after this, of course.