Preparing the Female Bandicoot-Chapter 1: Here we See the Female Bandicoot.

Just then, faint, infra-red lasers emitted from their eyes, (or some other kind of laser, the bottom line was that i felt warm when they looked at me), and then they looked at each other, and then toward our captors.

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Spermatosaurus Treatment

It sees in the infra-red, and it has great difficulty controlling itself around fertile females." "that...feels about...mmph..." "they also have very sensitive shafts, unable to control themselves for long when faced with stimulation.

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[Patreon] Just Another Day at the Office

Kim could see members of both teams, as well as a few members of theory and a squad of infra-reds, wearing full null-suits that anonymized them and made them look like extras in a sci-fi movie. kim's boss mr.

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Back to Work

Mounted to the side of his helmet was an infra-red 'pathfinder' unit, the forehead was home to a matte-black 'up-armoured' communications node.

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Discount - Chapter 6

These ideas made him shiver with all new levels of terror, but an infra-red heater in one corner blasted his body with a dull, constant warmth.

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Mark your position with an infra red strobe if you've got it." "rodge oh, we'll light up the house for ya."

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The Instruments of Salvation : Chapter 1 The New Recruit

The mechs eyes soon shifted to an infra-red at a mental request, and he spoke out through the comms, to both his companions, and to command. "looks....normal from up here. just....a radio tower and what looks like a small building adjacent to it.

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Chapter Five - That really, really hurt

The air-to-ground rocket came deceptively slowly, internal systems guiding it to the infra-red signal that no sentient eye could see.

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"Overdrive" - Chapter 3

Photons of any coherent spectrum could be instantly reflected and aimed straight back at the source, and that included heat from infra-red. you did not want to shoot a laser at an asu by accident.

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The Mouse's Mistake

The normal hud of the world - with his vitals, the ambient gasses in the room, the infra-red and x-ray options - faded away, replaced by a series of file folders that spread out before him.

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The Future Diaries

I loaded my radar into the hud, looking for some infra-red signals... and there! in the dark corner, at the other side of the hall, there was something warm... at least it was not as black as the other things around him.

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Lupus Major - Chapter One

They beamed aboard, and switched their infra-red visors on. they could see the humans running around in panic, some trying to operate weapons.

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