Black and White Chap. 1

It's supposed to be a musical bar, you know, those places where they have a huge stage and play live music but, at the same time, have people serving you drinks. basically, a live house with waiters. in fact, i'm pretty sure they're the same thing.

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Jahaliya : Young Wives Tale Chapter 1

The trolley with the pies sat in front of them and lively music began to play from slits in the wall. the clever workings set behind the scenes allowed for the enjoyment of music without the fear of disrupting the band.

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Love Lost, Chapter 22: Conclusions.

Pierre complained again about the lack of live music after a few minutes of grace sitting at the piano, motionless. vivian excused himself and returned to the great room. "unless you intend to remain, now is a proper time to depart."

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A new job

She told me finishing up her coffee and placing a pretty big tip on the table before walking off to listen to the live music. i picked up the tip and smiled why do i get the feeling that she just wants to see me again?

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The essance of life part 2

There were two new sections: the ice spa and rooftop parlor with live music. inventory was a mess as many of the boxes were just opened. the kitchen was slammed with orders and the new equipment was still covered in blue film.

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Witch Blood - 02

Bees had minds like lively music and hummingbirds always appeared to be on the verge of an excitable orgasm. dogs tended to babble about how much they loved their masters and cats were entertaining in their arrogance.

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Kade Chapter 4

"from time to time, we have some live music. sometimes it's even poetry. and sometimes we'll have some... dancers." he slid a glass of dark liquid over. "strippers, you mean?" kade asked, downing his whiskey. greg refilled the glass.

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November Alpha

Some wolves went to get their instruments, heading to the stage and playing live music rather than the recordings of before, and others cleared an area for a fire pit, starting to cook with supplies they brought from home, like they'd been planning for a picnic

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Make Me, Mystel

Against the backdrop of the lively music, entertainment and ballroom-esque party, why; even the rattling of thunder shaking the windows was all but completely unnoticed to the patrons.

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It was filled with good rum and strong ale, and often had live music performed by a band of opossum women with a piano. it also boasted the only wood-fire sauna in the whole port, a godsend for bones aching from the long voyages at sea.

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Pitch Episode 9: Under wheel

There were more bodies lying around, broken glass, and the sound of off-key live music playing in the background.

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