Racers Edge

"i don't know, but all i know is that this hurts and i would like some pain killers" going to the kitchen, jake grabbed a bottle of pain killers off the top of the microwave.

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The Trip

I shifted from one foot to the other like a puppy lost without its mother before hastily running to the kitchen to grab him a glass of gatorade and pain killers.

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Oh So Tragic - Part 5

She stood and walked to the kitchen and took some pain killers before going to the bathroom and brushing her teeth for about ten minutes straight. "can't have it staining my teeth..." she muttered to herself.

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Were and Tear: Part Three

I took the tiny pills and the small paper cup of water she handed me and tossed the pain killers in my muzzle but i crushed the cup in my paws spilling the water on my chest. _damn human made stuff, too small!

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Silver and Gold - Truth - ch 8

"it's the pain killers they just make me very sleepy and that, thank god that i had the last of them, hopefully i can soon got through a whole day without having to have a nap or 2" i managed to say in-between yawns.

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Asharan: Jake and Ben ch8

"i'll go get you some pain killers." jake said as he got up and walked out of the room. as jake walked back in with the tablet, ben just stared in awe. the tablet was huge that wasn't going to kill the pain that was going to knock him out cold.

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Addicted Struggle

pain killers, uppers, downers, muscle relaxers, cold drugs, ecstasy, heroin and even things he didn't even know. all of them made him into something he wasn't.

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Suburban Bliss - Chapter One

Maybe some pain killers? i could deal with feeling less pain these days. at least the spam filter got most of it, but every now and then, something would find its way through.

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Bio Dome Ch 1

"the transformation, changes nearly your entire body, for this, i have to give you a month's worth of pain killers." he said as he took out a remote control. "woa, i'm gona be high!" said chris as the mechanical arms began to lower down, one at a time.

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Jerry Archer character Bio.

While he is clean now, he is a former alcoholic and has a mild addiction to pain killers. he is easily angered and suffers from bipolar disorder and ptsd. he also has an extreme animosity towards his mother who he blames for his bad childhood.

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Unseen love- Chapter Two

I asked him as i rebandaged the leg and walked to the medicine closet taking out some pain killers for him to take later.

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