My Two Masters

These extra sessions would happen under strictly proscribed circumstances, and any failure or act of even _accidental_disobedience on my part would bring them to an immediate and permanent end.

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Through the Midnight (and Epilogue)

A permanent end, with your government." "your leadership does not seem amenable to permanent agreements." "dr. walburn has been removed and shaeffer moody is under arrest. the new government wants to talk. not just to buy time, but to _talk_."

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Game of Chance. Chapter one. (Story Commission)

The thick horn passed all the way through to the calf's base, leaving not only sean in terrible pain but also putting a permanent end to his carrier as a professional sports competitor.

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Journey of the Chosen Chapter Twenty

I got a little wrapped up in the current happenings of my life and regained an unfortunate world of warcraft addiction that i am going to be putting a permanent end to coming this november when my subscription runs out.

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Hustling Through the Dark - the full novel

Building another step: given that the chances that the em-pocalypse was, in fact, a near-singularity, are non-trivial; and that if so, it was the closest humanity ever came to permanently ending; then you can understand that such long-term thinkers are keenly

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The Taste Of Grass

This would assist in putting a permanent end to any pesky remaining concerns regarding the inclusion of _former humans_ within equestria.

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