A (Modified)Love Poem

I desire the gleeful cries of a magpie atop a fence post, i must have the spicy smell of fallen pine needles in the summer.

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Caugt in the Trap

Instinct took over, his wings flared, sending out a blast of air that tore roots from the ground and summoned a virtual hail of pine needles.

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Lioness and Fox Pt. 4.5

"after some time the lid was removed and the creator's daughter lifted the vessel to her mouth and took a drink, swallowing raven, who was still in the shape of a pine needle.

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Feral Nature

It was simply too much for her as she twisted back and forth through the dead pine needles as if she was trying to make shapes in the soft dirt, the folf growling and laying a little more over her, if only to hold her in place.

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The Real Deal

Botha residents who never left the city might be fooled, but yara nearly tasted the chemical cocktail that gave off notes of pine needles. but it was just the needles.

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Lakeside Leisure

The flurry of odors was long gone, replaced by the sweet scent of pine needles, as soft as a bed of spruce twigs. minutes passed, his face turned skyward, eyes closed, but he had to move on eventually.

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I wish to build a great tower of my own, to pursue the pine needles with the urge to scavenge and scratch i am an animal, biting and scratching and howling, searching for my roots within this kingdom hidden in the towers.

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Hunting The Archer

It had taken nearly two hours to hide all the evidence of the trap behind bushes and underneath the omnipresent pine needles.

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Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 54

But somehow he kept going, stepping up and pushing forward until he slammed the animal's head straight down into the ground in an explosion of pine needles and melted snow.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 141

She saw her own hand, lying on a carpet of dry pine needles like a dead spider, covered in blood. she tried to move, but could only make the fingers twitch feebly. "give that here." "why do you get to finish her?" "because i said so!

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The cheetah was gently set onto the soft pine needles, her breathing normal and uniform. jake retrieved one of the canteens of water from his pack, drinking deeply. the water was warm, but pure.

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