Mighty Sex Force

The blonde girl riding patty's face was racked by rapid orgasms. the officer's tongue knew exactly where to go to push her over the edge multiple times. the remote fell out of the criminals' hand as her body tensed.

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Draconicon's R34 Harem 8: A Farm Converted

It wanted to keep itself safe, so it submitted to rapid orgasms that were normally beyond the capability of a male. draconicon kept stroking until his arms ached, milking out more than a dozen orgasms from that fat cock.

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A cinder of power; Chapter two; Fires of war.

It sends her into a rapid orgasm, spraying his face once more with her juices.

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Lucario x Zoroark

The post-orgasmic bliss had hardly worn off, especially with the two rapid orgasms he had on their way to this... kitchen? "what is this place?" "most would call it a sex dungeon." zoroark shrugged.

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Webs of Lust - Chapter 3

Uma grunted, the bat's tight tunnel driving her to a rapid orgasm. she buried her fangs into her neck, feeling her cock suddenly start painting rouge's pussy walls with potent seed.

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Growing Pains

I worked myself up into a rapid orgasm, howling in a awkwardly human voice as my body shuttered in the moonlight. but when the pleasure faded, i began to fear that this would be as far as it would go.

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Accentidents Happen

It was unreal feeling the tiny, slender fingers wrap around my cock spurning me to a rapid climax i was powerless to resist. every spurt brought a tightness to my loins which i had seen first hand already with lincoln.


Soul Mate Charm: Loved

Once again, his vision blurred but this time, it was from succumbing to the weight of his two rapid orgasms. he had managed five yesterday before passing out but that was with matt.

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Twice Bitten, Once Shy: Chapter 8

The sheer overload of sexual energy sent lex into a fit of rapid orgasms. the smaller wolf howled in sheer ecstasy as his body did its best to feed his thrall.

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Her sloshing sack tightened, rounded out, pulled as taut to her coils as it could go while she gave a partly-silenced cry of utter bliss, her whole body going into some rapidly orgasmic convulsions, her cock stretching out to twice its size from the sheer

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Nero the Great Dane

And always he'd pummelled his cock to rapid orgasm, imagining the heat of a dog around his hand. now a man was inviting him to fulfil his ultimate perverse desires. before him was a bound dog, waiting for his fist.

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Legend of Spyro: Gifted Curse, CH 19

A random memory from volteer's mad ramblings came to mind unbidden, something about electrostimulation causing rapid orgasms? it was a trick he'd thought to try with cynder, three years ago at least, but he'd kept forgetting.

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