Shattered Glass: Chapter 5

"it's very special to me"    "why?"      "it gives me hope that bullying will stop. it gives me hope that one day people will soon describe people not by their skin, sex, and orientation, but by how we treat people.

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Moving chapter one

Twilight asked "well you are kind of famine that's why your special to me" nagato said still holding twilight close "dad how did you meet mom?"


The Start of Something New - Chapter 1: The Beginning

It was meant to be a normal day for me, a boy turning fourteen nothing too special, but the part is that it was my birthday is today, so it was just that least bit special to me.

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Lost in the Woods 07: Off Again

In other words, as the author, i know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. i hope you enjoy it.

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Lost in the Woods 04: Comfort for the Wounded

In other words, as the author, i know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. i hope you enjoy it.

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As Your Voice Fades | Part 2

The canine gave a soft couch to clear his throat and said into the mic, "this is for someone very special to me." he had a smooth voice, a little deeper than what caleb expected it to be.

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Inferno and Serpent - Chapter 1

"it's beautiful, oh inferno i want this it seems so special to me. please get it for me please!" inferno had thought about it for a minute. "ok serpent i will get it for you. how much would you say it's worth thunder?" thunder thought for a second.

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Confronting Concerns

He's special to me." mary huffed, "if he's so special, then you better bring him over. i can only imagine what your father will say when he finds out." she said before entering the house, leaving cat to simmer by the car.

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Lost in the Woods 14: A Random Attack

In other words, as the author, i know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. i hope you enjoy it.

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Lost in the Woods 13: Flamon

In other words, as the author, i know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. i hope you enjoy it.

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Lost in the Woods 10: Nuts and Berries

In other words, as the author, i know that this isn't anywhere close to being my best work, but it's still pretty special to me. i hope you enjoy it.

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