Poetry for LIberation

beggining that inteligence is bad as long as you smile and look pretty for your man nothing else matters you'll get married and have kids who in turn will perpetuate this cycle of ignorace this cycle of mundane darkness she smiles in the dark

Should vampires be so...?

Mabye i should just tell you from the begginning, back when i was a freshman in high school, and i met leo, the most conceded, vain, egotistical vampire i have met yet.

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My Life Be Like: PART 4

After we taught ember the basics we all ran as far as 30 seconds can give you till the beggining of the game. i bolted as fast i could trying to get a safe distance from one in particular, john.

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Chapter 1: New Beggining

![/><br /> <br /> I have traveled many lands and seen many sights in my day... it seems I am forever traveling and can never find a true home. I was banished from my home... for being a half-dragon and for being homosexual. I came from a very rich and...

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Destinys Kill 2: The Beggining

Thirteen Years before Destiny's Kill. Nick and Schuyler are still friends. Nick is not yet a vampire, Schuyler not yet a hunter. Vex, Vicky, And Aldor are Wolves, Megan a Human,, Schuyler Human, Nick Human. The story takes place in a cold dark street,...

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New Years New Beggining

I am so sorry my last chapter took so long. I went on a cruise so here we go. Mark and Sanchez had been done with the parties for a few days and decided to go out on a romantic date. They went to Marks favorite restaurant Red...

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new beggining, sunclaw death

Aleu and her mate and the wolf pack was walking to find a new home. jenna looked down sad aleu saw her and said'' mom its ok dad was a great mate and father but we have to stay strong for him he would not want us to be like this''. jenna looks up and...

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Parth's tale #1

User=214599&character=0&clevel=2) wolfieluvsfoxie](https://wolfieluvsfoxie.sofurry.com/ "wolfieluvsfoxie") and the begginning of parth's section of the seven moons college adventures.

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It won't turn purple

Let's go and drink something before i make you even more uncomfortable" so we got in the bar, we ordered two glasses of bourbon and we begin to chat, at the beggining i was still a bit awkward, but he quickly made me more confident.

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Gun Grave Episode 1, Part 1

And if you wondering why he killled someone at the beggining and why he's after someone else now. just to let you know there is a reason, but i wont expose it till later.

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Astaroth- part1

Rejuvenation technician #2 : but i was puzzled because in the beggining he took a higher dossage of radiation than most species. not only that but the vital reading signals went off the scale three times in a row. i don't get it.

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The Origin of Shadow - Chapter 4

I am one of those souls, but for you to get such an important and powerful demon seed you must be a descendant of royal blood" shadow: "whoa hold on.......i'm so confused right now can you start at the beggining?"

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