A Dance of Radiance

A Dance of Radiance I grab his hand, as he grabs mine As we begin to slow in time He leads me in the dance he shows As I just follow, and don't let go Because this is simply radiance The mood was set with ambiance As I begin to hold him...

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Someone who cares. (1 of 2)

Someone who cares. "Vincent! Vincent! Vincent!" The crowd cheered out. He pushed his foot down on the clutch of the high preformace racing motorcycle. The black bike sped past the lead rider and he was soon blazing past everyone. The highspeed...

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loving dragons

aquarios hated the thawt of his new life. he had started school at a human private school. the uniforms were tight, the rules tighter and the teachers were all racsist. he was the only dragon at school even high school. he was teased for his unusual...

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There was a cracked man, Who had a cracked heart, Something happened to this Cracked man, That made his Cracked heart much worse, He didn't understand, It didn't affect him, He just accepted, Now the cracked man... Is a broken shell of what he...

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Speech 2. Inside The Life Of Fear.

Fear is not evil, it tells you what your weakness is. And once you find out what your weakness is, you will learn to accept them, learn from them, become stronger and kinder from them. But whats there to blame for fear? What exists to make fear exist?...

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Le soleil du matin

Je me précipite à travers une vie, un monde de stress et d'inquiétude. Comme si cours propulsé se dépêcher . Mais je souhaite que je pourrais arrêter et admirer. Le choses qui façonneront, amour et d'inspirer. La nuit tombe sur nous tous. Mais si vous...

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the next day

I remember the day we met Both shy, but wanted to talk Even when we tried We didn't know what to say Day by day We took it slow And our conversations began to grow Since the day our conversations grew I became very fond of you Hoping you...

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Happy Tree Friends Oneshots ch. 4

**So one of the PMs I got (and the only one lol) was from ParoxysmalDespair who suggested that Truffles would be the most appropriate character to be paired with Toothy as a bully and I agree. Also, I was never aware of this happy tree friend and I...

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Pause. Just for a moment. Pause. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. Don't think. Whatever's in your head? Just let it go. Don't think. Just be. Go ahead... Do it. I'll wait. ... ... ... How many of us a truly happy? I mean... Right...

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My name is Axton. My mother gave me that name. I don't know where she is. She could be dead, or she could just not be here. It doesn't make me sad not knowing where she is though. Ya, I would like to meet her, but her not being here doesn't bother me....

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Happiness Is

Disclaimer: This story contains themes incest as well as explicit descriptions of sexual acts between males, some of which may be underage, If any of that offends you, I suggest you not read any further. Happiness Is \*HUFF\* \*HUFF\* ...

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Alone: Chapter 3

                                                                                                                 Alone                                                                                                  Chapter 3: A relationship  The next...

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