A Tale Of Two Horses, Act 2.

Good days graft i suddenly get that feeling again, that uneasy feeling i'm being watched i look over my shoulder sure enough a black head at the window again i know it's a horse now, i can see ears moving, i turn, i was about to hop into the battered old 4x4

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Lurking in the Mud - Estate Agents

Clive cried out on triumph as they broached the ridge and the powerful 4x4 slewed forward with a splattering froth of mud as the weasel slammed on the breaks.

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The Hunt.

Behind the restrained vixen were two large dog carries with feral fox hounds in them, and being towed behind the brand new 4x4 was a horse box carrying the fox hounds mount. libby had everything she needed for an afternoon of fun.

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Best Buddies; Justins' Origin

He watched and waved from the living room window as the 4x4 drove out of sight. "finally, 3 days to myself!" justin thought to himself as he wandered what to do with the abundance of freedom he had just gained.

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Differentials: Part 13 - Old 'Friends'

There was a large town square, made up of a 4x4 area of the grid, which was a large paved area dotted with market stalls wich were all centered around a large bronze statue of the founder of the town.

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pet dragon PT1

Eat so as not to get fat, there main colours are green a great green, they eat mostly meat but like some vegetables too, mostly cabbage, this has the side effect of gas, they cannot breath fire but can growl and very playful, they grow to the size of an 4x4

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Growing Up Fast

Act 9 - all in good fun his maw hovered over the pig's trembling shaft, both jackal and employer nude in the back of the latter's 4x4.

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He approached his 1990 ford 4x4 ranger truck, taking out his key's he unlocked the door, opened it and got in. he turned on the engine and the music cd he had within the car stereo came on.

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Never Let Me Go

We bump along and up a narrow dirt road, my 4x4 lurching to the sides every so often and tossing jameson about the passenger seat.

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Pull of the Moon - Chapter 5

Kane sat back on the couch, legs crossed at the ankle, slouched down like he had been in the back of the 4x4. bishop eased into the leather couch beside him, cradling his busted arm against his chest.

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Love Is Hell: A New Divide

Just then a fireball splashed onto the hood of the 4x4 the three marines were standing behind, its heat making them jump as several more flaming orbs rained down upon the barricade.

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