2:14 The Essence of Fear

He was tied to a chair, and he had given up everything he could and alias executed him without a moment's hesitation. "jesus, alias..." jenna shrugged, a scowl forming across her brow. "he was tied to a chair!" alias started walking to the door.

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1:6 Freak

alias noticed a note next to the picture of the cat. apparently hets would pay double if it looked like a suicide. alias sighed. that ruled out poisons, sniping, and car bombs; the later of which was too public for alias anyway.

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1:7 Verraden

Hets knew that alias would try this tactic if bated enough into it. the bomb was there for when alias went in to kill this verraden, and the backup team on the elevator was there in case alias got spooked, which he had.

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1:2 Weakness

"you look upset, alias." alias heard as he passed through a junction in the hallway. atir, the gazelle, stood leaning against the wall. "what?" alias replied with a bite in his tone.

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1:17 Blackwell

If all went well, he'd just drop jenna off, and alias would move a few spots down hets's "to kill" list. which would be enough time for alias to get the hell out of dodge, so to speak. but alias had to wait.

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1:21 Refuge

alias remained very still, only his chest rising and falling. "wha..." alias jerked slightly. "...sorry, what'd you say?" however, jenna didn't bother to repeat her question. she knew alias was already gone.

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3:2 Doctor Who?

alias trailed off, dropping his eyes to the table. she sat for a moment, looking over at alias with hopes that he would say more. "try." jenna encouraged after the black fox gave no further explanation. alias shook his head.

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The Dragon In The Dungeon

"my name is alia, by the way. do you have a name?" it was a foolish question, and alia was glad the dragon did not laugh at it. "i do. you may call me valyrym if you wish." alia scrunched her face at that.

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3:22 Endgame

As the mercenary behind alias pulled the nail gun away, alias's ear began to bleed profusely around his head.

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1:15 The Underground

alias's jaw was set, and his green eyes were full of fury and rage. all of which was directed to the nasty brown rat. jenna's paw went to alias's, tight around the rat's neck. "please...alias." alias didn't move.

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3:13 Living in Compromise

alias." she repeated, looking back at him. and once again, isis vanished into the night, leaving mick and alias alone with the corpse. in all this time, alias still hadn't moved from his fixed position.

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3:11 Conflict of Interest

He didn't dwarf otto by any means, but alias was still a good few inches higher. alias had every confidence in himself that he could take otto. the other night, alias had just been trying to get his paws on that damn key.

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