Day Four - Prescription Pick-up

Nutritious grass, i pounced from behind the cover and withdrew my shield, slamming it onto the side of his face, instantly knocking the kelbi unconscious and sending him collapsing onto his side on the grass below me, to make it easier on him i took a home-made anaesthetic

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The Vet... A patients tale... One of the Vet and Nurse Buxom's patients tells his tale... to a new friend...

Knuttacor explained that he used a special spinal anaesthetic." "that numbed the whole body and paralyzes the patient at the same time." "so i would be awake, but would not be able to talk or move during the procedure."


Stream of Consciousness...

The first is a combination anaesthetic/dilation solution. second one is a pain-killer... the other two i don't really remember... that first drop has pretty much made me swear off eye-drops for the rest of my life.

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One More Step - HC story

The chemicals pumped into his body had already kicked in, but this was far more intense than any local anaesthetic could stop. his bad paw dropped the gun into his left, and he aimed again.

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An Unusual Profession, Part 2

A quick whiff of the anaesthetic-dabbed cloth and the noble would sleep through his little operation. he lit up an oil lamp he found on the night stand nearby.

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Of Blood And Slavery - Ch.1 : Sine Consensu

Even with drugs totally anaesthetizing my muscles, i pushed a long growl in chorus with my predators.

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Identity: Chapter Twenty-Eight

The anaesthetic might be wearing off, which meant it was time to move this show into the warehouse.

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A drastic turn for the worse

He felt an uncomfortable painful pinch but the sensation of pain quickly disappeared as the anaesthetic did its work.

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Janis and the Machine

The power of proclivity had numbed all rationale and the more she kept running, the more anaesthetized she became. her paws were like pistons and her heart was humming desire, but instinct was the only thing that was driving her now.

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My Story...

At this point i had fallen asleep whilst the final \*changes\* had finished and the sounds of screams from my mother ended at the sight of darkness i woke up in a bed with the smell of anaesthetic in the air as i saw my parent crying in the corner

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Windchaser - Acceptance

I smelled the strong odour of anaesthetic. i heard voices speaking in a little distance about my condition. i felt the cloth around my head, and the covers on my body that went to just under my neck.

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Uploaded, a Hc Svnt Dracones fanfic

The black vixen could tell just by the pain she'd felt before they had pumped her full of anaesthetics that her spine was shattered, her radii, ulnae, tibiae, fibulae, half her phalanges, ribs, and shoulders were broken in so many places they were still

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