Bounding Berries

Mura looked at the paper once again then looked back up at the building. This place certainly was different than most of her cleanup projects. It was the only place for a few blocks that was still standing, and the outside walls were covered in...

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The Game Continues

Well, he certainly had not brought muffins. Perhaps nuts, but certainly not muffins. I sucked and lapped at his cock happily, enjoying the sounds I was receiving from the bunny. Nystra held my head firmly in place and rocked back and fourth against...

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Valandor's Obsessions (Iron Author #13)

The massive wolf known as Valandor fell asleep right where the two wolfesses left him. While he enjoyed the bulk up that he had gained, it used a lot of energy to move around. Yet, despite being asleep, he saw growth and sex in his dreams. It was as...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs 7

Strawberries and Big Boobs 7 Reian "Get the fuck out," Rogier said to his brother. One of the dingo's paws rested on top of Cytheria's head, the other holding his massive torso length cock. He stared at the other dingo male...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs Pt. 9

Cytheria noticed that her normal spot on the train did not quite feel like it used to. Nor did her desk chair at work. Nor did the booth at the cafeteria where she typically ate alone. That was the other weird thing about today. Her female...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs 1

?Big Boobs and Strawberries Reian Cytheria was a normal girl. She worked an average eight to four job earning a median pay, she drove the most common car in the least striking color, her height was average, her hair was okay, she was a normal...

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Desperate Measures, Perfect Solutions

The gryphon strutted off the track, his head held high. He had just won his first race after all the betting had been placed against him. His feathers were slightly ruffled, but nothing to reduce the amount of pride he had. The lion who owned him...

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The Purpose of PPE (Thursday Prompt 9-2-10)

The Purpose of PPE Thursday Prompt 9/2/10 Reian The gym was damp and hot, the smell of sweat mixed with smoke would hurt any fur's nose. The gym was decorated with a mixture of sports figures and firefighting gear and murals. Men were spread...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs Pt. 6

Strawberries and Big Boobs 5 By Reian July 20, 2010 "Sorry, dude. This bitch don't want you," Cytheria said, Rogier's cum dripping from her muzzle. Aiden looked at her, absolutely dumbfounded. He had never been turned down by a woman, they...

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Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. 2

Jake pulled into the single spot driveway for his parents beach house and shut off the car. As the radio shut off he thanked god for stopping the awful pop music and then quickly swore god off at the whining from the two girls. He got out of the...

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Strawberries and Big Boobs Pt. 5

"Strawberries and Big Boobs" Series Copyrighted to Reian. This story is a work of fiction and any characters or instance that may reflect a real event or person is completely coincidental. Please contact me if you see any other distribution...

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Lynn's Beach Adventure Pt. One

Lynn was at the library with Becky trying to get all of the classwork that was due on Monday finished before the weekend. The tall dragon, her mate, a black and yellow dragon named Jake, and Becky were all going to the beach for Labor Day weekend. The...

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