My Cousin's Roommate

\*\* To anyone who read this story under Nightmare Blackwolf. My WONDERFUL mate tryed to post this for me and she spelled my name wrong. Instead of Nitemare she typed Nightmare. They are both me and this is the same story. So dont think im copying and...

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Nitemare and Lady: Lady's Arrival

This story contains M/F sex between a wolf and a fox. It also contains oral sex. If you don't like that or are too young, then don't read it. If you do read it then any problems you have are all your fault. Enjoy Nitemare was very tired while...

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Chapter 11- rundown on personas

\*\*\*\*\*\* (POV Change: Normal) \*\*\*\*\*\* **Nathan, softly, groaned as his body began to move about. Slowly the otter's eyes fluttered open and he leaned up slowly; he stretched lazily and yawned: he felt, oddly, REALLY good for just waking...

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Chapter 10- ruining the moment

**\*\*\*\*\*\* (POV Change: Nathan) \*\*\*\*\*\*** **"I'd like to see you try!" yelled Ryland's shadow, stomping a huge foot in front of me; I raised the rapier in my paw to the side of my hip pointed down, getting into position to strike: I had to be...

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Chapter 9- rebuilding friendships(part 2)

**\*\*\*\*\*\* (POV Change: Nathan) \*\*\*\*\*\*** **The five of us walked through the door slowly and examined the first floor carefully: Elizabeth herself said that Tartarus didn't have any enemies on the first floor, so students could use to train...

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Endless Hope - Ch.2

The two was about to start the fight, but strangely, Blaze feel this source of unknown magic. He thought it was the husky, then again, she didn't activate anything so he pushes that thought to the side. The husky female looks at the dragon rather...

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The Pain of Losing - Chapter three

Hey Joey it's me Alex. Sorry for today,i mean trying to kiss you,i didn't mean to i just......i don't know please don't hate me for this,please.......One last thing i was worried about you, when Rick did what he did to you .......sorry. ...

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Chapter 12- “River Dancing” in the Pool

\*\*\*\*\*\*(POV Change: Normal)\*\*\*\*\*\* As the two walked to the Art Building, map in Nathan's hand, Johnny's thoughts began to drift more and more about Nathan....and not the way he wanted it. 'I still can't help but think about what happened...

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Endless Hope - ch.4

"So just like that? You wake up on this world?"The lion asks a little surprised pacing forward and back thinking it's crazy, but then again so is his mark. The wolf nods still sitting down scratching his arms not used to this "fur". "So I want to...

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The Pain Of Losing- chapter 5(part 2)

Jean looks at the white wolf giggling about his reaction to her father's way of comforting him, although a little curios about the reason behind his sadness. The two kept walking around the huge mansion that is decorated in a strange way with two...

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The Pain Of Losing - Chapter Two

Days passed like always as my friendship to Jean grew but Alex start to avoid me and give me some sort of strange stares yet I never wanted to push it. .......... I sigh to myself,"Oh man music class" I start moving to the music class then...

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Chapter 8- Rebuilding Friendship (Part 1)

\*\*\*\*\*\* (Flashback end) \*\*\*\*\*\* "Nate! You here yet?!" called Johnny, opening the door to his house and peering in. "Yeah, I'm in!" called a voice, then a chuckle "I'm upstairs: there's someone I want you to meet!" Curious, the...

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