Stopping Power

As Blaise approached his apartment door, he shifted all the shopping bags to his left hand. The weight was nothing to the large black dragon but even his big hands had a limit to what they could comfortably juggle. He quickly fished around for his keys...

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Fetch Quest

"Stupid shopkeeper." Enro muttered. The arctic fox hiked through the Puridi Wilds, lifting his blue robes to keep them out of the mud. His magic staff served as a decent walking stick for the long journey. His large wizard hat kept the hot sun off of...

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Special Delivery - Part 2

Enro tugged at his top as he walked out of the locker room. "This thing is going to take some getting used to." he mumbled. The rest of the employees sauntered about the garage. A burly wolf with black fur placed a stack of massive packages onto a...

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Special Delivery Part 1

As Enro fastened on his bike helmet, the light blue tips of his ears poked out of two holes in the top. The arctic fox slung his messenger bag over his shoulder and grabbed his bike that sat near the front door. He wheeled the thin bicycle out of his...

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 5

As dawn broke in Likeen, the sun peeked over the luscious Ferdan Hills. The team awoke to the smell of breakfast being made downstairs. As they walked into the kitchen, they were greeted to a wonderful spread of fried eggs, sliced ham and freshly baked...

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 4

Likeen was a tiny town relative to the MakiaVi. A few taverns, some blacksmiths and a handful of general stores sat within its walls. In the center sat the town hall, a large stone building that waved the Bravian flag along with the banner of the local...


MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 3

Edion had a relaxing morning the next day. It was the first time in two months that he was not dragged out of bed at the crack of dawn. He and the rest of the trainees had a simple breakfast of eggs and bread in the dining hall. While it paled in...

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 2

The next morning, the six new residents gathered in the lobby to meet Brakon for their first official day of training. They found that the building was absolutely spotless without any signs of yesterday's damage. Burlik knocked on one of the walls....

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MakiaVi: The Frozen King - Chapter 1

Edion sat in the corner of the large carriage. The white canvas walls were covered in magical runes that glowed a bright blue. He had hoped to get some rest but the path through the forest made the ride quite rough. Each time he dozed off, the...

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Kavara's Potion

A green glow radiated from the cauldron, illuminating the walls of the dark room. The kitchen was a simple amalgamation of stone and wood with no real flooring to speak of. The mixture bubbled on the fire as Kavara stirred it with a large wooden spoon....

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Keijo!!! : Counter Attack! - Chapter 1

The bright spring sun hung high in the sky. Its radiant rays warmed Enro's ivory fur against the subtle breeze. It was a day that would usually be deserving of a light jacket or at least long sleeves. Enro would have neither but instead dawn a one...

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The King's gift

King Tolgar's throne room was heaven on earth. All of the food was cooked by the most skilled chefs in the world and they only served the finest wine. Tolgar's halls were filled with beautiful males and females from all species ready to fulfill your...

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