
**Carnival.** **Chapter 1: Airship.** Dawn broke over town as it tended to do on a daily basis, casting rays of sunshine into windows, between buildings, and over various public green spaces. Birds were soon chirping up a storm, and bit by bit, the...

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Dragons of Science - Part 5

**Dragons of Science - Part 5** "Immigration!" That was the last thing Leopold had said before vanishing in a storm of magic and smoke. The wolf man had indicated a distant building, and had simply told a freshly transported purple bag of fat and...

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Dragons of Science - Part 4

**Dragons of Science - Part 4** "_Exciting news today, as the final tests on the latest FTL engine models have been completed. The go-ahead has been given to power up the system on-board the colony ship Galileo, and send it off into deep space the...

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Survivors 2

"Are you homesick? Do you have a longing to see the place where you came from? Thousands of people have already made the trip, so why not YOU? When the cities recreation centre's just can't cut it, and you've been to the warm sandy beaches for the...

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Survivors. 2020 was the year it all started. The beginning of the end, at least for the majority of us. There we were, on a temperate little ball of rock, water, and atmosphere, floating around our Sun for untold centuries. People had begun to suspect...

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Have you ever had one of those moments where you just barely catch something out of the corner of your eye? You see a glimmer of movement, or a shape, or even a colour. Sometimes it just turns out to be something you've caught in your peripheral...

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Garret's Journey

**Garret's Journey** A light breeze blew through the valley, or what used to be a valley in any case. These days it was more like a desert, with pockets of dead earth, ash, and dust strewn everywhere you looked. There were no trees, there were no...

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A Balloonie's Tale

**A Balloonie's Tale** Nobody really knows how it all started, but we certainly know how it ended. The old adage of the world ending not with a bang but a whimper couldn't have been more wrong. The world ended with a bang alright, several of them....

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The New World

**The New World** **Chapter 1: The new world.** "Set condition green! System charge is at 95%, all passengers stand by for transport. T-minus, 5 minutes!" The operators went through the motions like they did with every transport, but they still...

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Sky Mistress

**Sky Mistress** Nobody was really quite sure when it all started, all we're sure of is the current state of affairs. Our small country is plagued from within, its population being preyed on by monsters. If it isn't werewolves in the forests, trolls...

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**Balloonasaur** Product testing is a wonderful thing, but sometimes you just can't get the market research you might desire without live field testing. When you're in the more specialized markets of the world, this can be harder than one might...

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Dragons of Science - Part 3

**Dragons of Science - Part 3** _Attention! Attention all citizens! The industrial park containing science labs 1 through 14 are now off-limits to the public. A quarantine has been put in place to investigate various incidents, and determine a threat...

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