Zarvaun Understands Karma

"What do you mean?" Zarv asked nervously, quivering in his chair."We mean exactly what we said," I said, pacing back and forth in front of him, "Since you got smug, lost first, and wet yourself, I've decided you're going the rest of the evening in a...

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Zarvaun Gets Smug

"Well," I said, getting up, "I'm gonna go see what's up with Munk Face." I walked upstairs to the Chipmunks room, knocking on the door"Charles, ya in there?" I called. The door opened, revealing a thirteen year old Charlie wearing a childish looking...

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Jack Mills Himself

"I'm so bored." I complained to my friend Zarvaun as we began our fifteenth straight match of Magic: The Gathering."I know. There's like no good games to play anymore, I swear." the sergal responded, playing down an Island card. "Pass." He concluded.I...

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Beacon & Nightshade Meet

Beacon rushed through the hallways of the dungeon he found himself in. He had a Raylight Arrow resting on his Bow of Hope, ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. He wasn't the subtlest, but he knew how to stay out of sight if he wished. He drew the...

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The Asylum-David Ful and Kim Paka's Origins

"Hello?" I called. "If that's you, Kim, I'm gonna to kill you." I had just heard a disembodied laugh. It's bad enough thinking a place is haunted, but actually knowing that there's a spirit floating around here, that's nearly heart-stopping. My stripes...

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Enough Pain-Ryan Bowella and Greg Poyla's Origins

Enough pain. Enough taunts. Enough pranks. I have had enough, and I want this to stop.They always hated me. I never did anything to them, but they still hate me. Why? Huh, I'd tell you if I knew. The bottom line, nobody likes me, this black furred...

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Plan C

If you lack knowledge of previous events, a quick recap may be in order: read my previous plans. Now that I've taken care of that, back to my nightmare's aftermath.I'm lying in my bed, trying to comprehend what happened. It felt about ten degrees...

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Plan B

Alright, time for plan B. Luckily enough, I'm a quick thinker. After all, I need a bigger brain to handle my enhanced senses. Maybe a recap is in order. Well then, listen up: read Plan A. My dad is staring at me. He had just walked in on me in skunk...

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Plan A

Have you ever considered what would happen if you chose a different path, or how much difference a tiny decision can really make, or have you ever been lying awake in bed, regretting everything you've done up until that point? If you haven't, lucky...

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Have you ever considered what would happen if you chose a different path, or how much difference a tiny decision can really make, or have you ever been lying awake in bed, regretting everything you've done up until that point? If you haven't, lucky...


Prologue of Jailbreak Apocalypse

The year is 4013, 2000 years from now. The world is so advanced that the world of the present day is caveman times in comparison. Not only that, furries are roaming the earth. Sentient feral animals, lycanthropes, anthropomorphic creatures, etc. They...

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Cursed-Samuel Gretin's Origin

What do you want from me? What did I do to you? Better yet, what could I have possibly done to deserve a fate like this? I would think being locked away in this hell hole was bad enough, but you apparently didn't. And of all the things you condemn me...

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