Beautiful Twilight: Suffering through endless love

A Beautiful Twilight: Suffering through endless love Beautiful Twilight stood on the corner of Badger Avenue and Bluefox Road and at 2 am, it was still as loud and boisterous as it was at 2 pm that same day. The main room of the tavern was...

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A Dramatic Touch

The night was pregnant; due to soon give birth to a sun, one befitting to grace dinosaur land with it's shine and illuminate the creeping ebony set upon it by nightfall. A comforting notion for those dinosaurs whom dwelled on yoster's isle, joyful in...

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Beautiful Twilight: POP

Beautiful Twilight: Pop The bar was packed, the staff was stacked, and the line to get in was around the building and back. A mouse, a rat, a doe and a mutt, The girls of twilight began to run low on smut. Spark had the show! She had...

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M.A.G.I.C : Round Two

(I wrote this a while ago as practice for writing stories out of sync. You Tarintino does movies. All out of Memento or Pulp Fiction. Thing is, I never got around to writing part one XD this is you can! ) ...

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The Summoning...

Story: The Summoning... It was a bright, sunny day in the city. The soft caress of Spring was in the air, frolicking past the noses of the denizens of New York with the scents of bloom and growth. It was the type of day that glittered with...

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The Quick Fox Fix

The Quick Fox Fix "DARRGH!" A voice called out, echoing along the empty halls of the workshop. A hot burst of oil had spilled all over his face, tainting his brilliant orange coat a shade of dark slimy midnight and he was about at his wits end...

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Ringing in the New

(I love this story, but it came out....funny and my rules on grammar are.....sketchy at best. I...think this is...right...sorta...some odd formatting changes from Word to FA to here make it sorta of confusing for me. Spark felt a shuddering ripple...

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Anarchy in the City

(I honestly don't know where this came from. Just had to whip something out and hadn't written about Spice in sometime.) Robert Zane entered his office at exactly 8:42 PM, Tuesday night. Husky, black fur, blue eyes, Russian accent. We sat on the...

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(Chapter Five) From the frying pan...

Sparkle didn't move a muscle. Not a twitch of sound, nor a flicker of motion. Nothing to betray the illusion that she hadn't awoken from her forced state of unconsciousness. She kept her eyes closed, and let herself breathe as naturally and slow as...

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(Chapter Four) Helpless Hearts in the Heat of Hell

(You may notice, that if you spy this story other places on the net (And I've uploaded it twice, now), that there are some considerable variations. This version, I think I like the best, as it's getting an edit and rewrite as I post. It needed it,...

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(Chapter Three) Honor Amoung the Dead

Honor Among the Dead "THE DOOR!" Roland screamed, his voice riddled with panic and his eyes widely skipping across every object in the room. The large lion had one foot braced against the door, and the other was pressed against the ground, his body...

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(Chapter Two) The Fallen Find a Favorite

The Fallen Find a Favorite The rancid river of demon's blood oozed quietly along the floor, drifting into trickling rivets that cascaded across the dust caked ground around the stunned wolf. Sparkle Shadowpaw, however, wasn't paying attention to...

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