Tree'Tu - Introductions - WIP

Strapped into the aero-lift's troop transport container Doctor Sarah Jessica Michaels McPheron trembled in excitement, hands firm on the black and yellow restraint bar across her chest. Her grandmother would have called it an "auspicious assignment"...

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Mystic Family Redux: 2 - Pixie Pranks

Sir Han, the Otter Knight of the Lava fields, peaked out of his four-story couch cushion fortress brandishing a cardboard tube sword. He held up Excalibro and faced the warrior who challenged his castle. The assailant stood her ground in her pillow...

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Mystic Family Redux: 1 - Snow Day

Winter set in hard, blizzards pounding the region with snow, ice, and wind that sealed houses shut for days. It was a series of snowdays, not just for school, all nonessential work was canceled across the state. Jeylin stood at the bottom of the...

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Furry Group Therapy - a ThornBrier tale

"I don't know why I'm here, I already told the therapist everything!" The wolfs voice could be heard all the way down the hallway outside the gymnasium. Whoever he was talking with, however, was too quiet to hear. Everyone sat silently waiting for...

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Part 4a - A Bull in a Milk Shop

The large property of the Wild Rose Inn was virtually cut off from the surrounding countryside by tall thin trees planted close together making a windbreak. Between the trunks, a brown panel fencing ensured even more privacy and kept the livestock from...

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Part 3 - Brain Pool

Ben laid asleep in the back seat holding his sister in a 'spooning' position as she sucked her thumb. Like so many things this trip, spooning like this felt completely normal and innocent every other time they did it, until now. Kaynell was feeling...

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Part 2 - Sisterly Shenanigans

Most rest stops in Algonquin included showers for travelers to freshen up in during the warmer months of the year. This early in the morning, just before sunrise, Ben and Kaynell Marie found themselves alone. Their parents were airing out the car from...

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Part 1 - The Knotty Trip

_Warning: This story contains underage children/teens (cubs) engaged in sexual exploration. If such material offends you then please close the document and find something else._ The trip to Noxton from Lakeland typically took a few days by car....

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