The Legend of Spyro: Return of The Dragon

"i know fighting baddies has worn me down". the two dragons looked at one another and rolled their eyes but then ignitis butted in, "maybe sparx is right" he said. "i am?!", said sparx, "uh, uh, i mean of course i am".


Rouge's Colloseum 9

"the major downside for a man who gets his kicks from beating the not out of baddies and villains and bullies and bastards is that eventually, you're going to run out of them." he grimaces, tensing up. "what do you really want?"

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Nick Wilde: Nightclub Stripper (Excerpt)

'cause everybody wanted to be the hero when they were kids, but buddy, i've seen it through, and the best thing i learned is that sometimes it's okay to be the baddie. come on, now. you have an urge, and you know that somebody can fix it. sit back.

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Surprise Drive - Part 4

I wanna hear more of kit's _epic_ voice while i'm decking baddies in the face!" "alright, little-mac; here you go then." amber's fingers danced across the console's keyboard before another roidmude hologram sprung to life and charged into battle.

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The Mysterious Dragonman - Chapter II

But that's a good way to get the characters know each other, and of course we need a proper introducing for the baddy, eh ?

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In Service to Tik Tik 6

"and when tik tik has it, tik tik will beat the baddies ruining her fun." "i really don't know much about your life, mistress tik tik," he admits. "but whatever you've gotten yourself mixed up in, i'd be happy to help you with it."

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Defenders of Evodusai Part 3

Wincing, she shook the blow off and followed through with the rest of the orders, taking out another baddie. i rushed in to catch the injured gator, placing her down gently on her feet.

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DA in...Castlevania Legacy of Darkness: Ancestral Love

I didn't know if you were a good guy or baddie. my name's dark anti de paradise. or...da for short." he gave a slight smile as the other wolf calmed down. he gave a more calming smile as he nodded, walking up to the other with a more, lithe walk.


PMD: Field Test

I mean, this place is great and all, but shouldn't we test out some power boosting stuff on actual baddies instead of, ya know, just the air." telleh shook her head.

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The New DK Crew

Rool had captured them and experimented on them, turning the kongs into various baddies for his own use. he tested on chunky first, turning into k. lumsy, a giant kremling with a good heart, wearing his red cap instead of his usual crown.

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Getting Savage (A Zootopia Jeeves Prompt; Posted with permission)

She was taller than him, not that the rabbit was unaccustomed to that being true of most of his foes, and though her body was softer, more plump than some of the baddies he had been forced to fight before, jack couldn't take his eyes off the way she owned

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Digi Tails 1

, nc, anime characters - april 12, 2000 digimon tails 1 by swamprat (cl) 1999 gay furry association digimon is a anime cartoon where children and their friendly monsters help save a world from the baddies.

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