Pride of Griffin Rock

Across the lake - so far from the mountain our den was carved into that it was a mere silhouette on the horizon - lie a massive, village sized boulder surrounded by smaller rocks and covered in mosses. i love that boulder.

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Shooting Star - Gemini

The two started to charge at darrius as he resumed sending the boulders at them. the two zigzagged in each other's path slicing through all of the boulders coming at them.

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Kauto and MW Part 8C

Mw joked as he grabbed a similar sized boulder like a vice before launching it low at the forest. 'oops.' mw said as the boulder clattered into trees, shattering them into pieces.

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A Quick Snack

Slowly, inch by inch, she crept up the side of the boulder.

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Between Winters, Part XVI

A boulder caught his left leg, he felt something snap and bolts of agony shot through the leg.

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[MLP: FIM] Princess of Friendship

While in reality, there's not enough time to save you from the boulder." "so, you've created another world without the boulder." spike leaned his chin on his claw. "you didn't teleport in front of applejack as i previously thought.

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Unusual Battle

Before he regain focus, the boulder send him fly few feet and land next to the rock. sam look up weakly. the boulder come charging toward him. he is going to die. suddenly something small come flying to the boulder, knocking it down.

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Dinosaur: The Nesting Grounds (or Stuck Fast)

It took some work, but before long most of the rubble was clear and aladar could see zini and url through gaps between the larger boulders. 'the passage is narrower on your side,' said aladar. 'if i push the boulders, they'll get stuck.

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The Best Cum Ever

Just before brian could yell out with delight harold pulled a leaver that until now had been behind the boulder out of sight. the trapdoor below the boulder opened and the mighty stone fell with a great swoosh!

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tigers on the brain part 5

"i broke 5 boulders, how bout you drago." he happily said "i broke 13 boulders." i replied with pride. "ok you won the first challenge, what's next." he said i thought about the next challenge.

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Bound by Destiny 26

The sound of rocks breaking filled the air as alex relentlessly pummeled the boulder into gravel, only to have a boulder block the way out, making janch scream out, "string-bean!"

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Bound by Destiny 26

The sound of rocks breaking filled the air as alex relentlessly pummeled the boulder into gravel, only to have a boulder block the way out, making janch scream out, "string-bean!"

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