Dragons Lair pt 6

I'm happy to present to you the latest part in Michaels escapades. ========= He let Michael in and closed the door behind him. The room was large, with a bookshelf covering one wall and some bean bags in the corner. There was a desk with a lamp...

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Bellmare High - Monday pt 2

He took her to the girls changing rooms to pick up her stuff. Sally leant against the wall and Matt sat next to her, "That was brilliant." "Thanks." "I've never seen a human do that." Tears welled up in Sally's eyes. "What did I do?" "Human. You...

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Bellmare High - Monday pt 1

I would just like to apologise in advance for the mistakes I have made in the American school system. I am British and schools around the world is not my specialist subject. ===================== Bellmare High was a typical high school. Three...

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Dragons Lair pt 4

Myra woke up first. She looked at a sleeping Michael and kissed him. She got out of bed and prepared for another day of work. Michael woke up as she was getting ready, "Going somewhere Scales?" Myra turned around and put her hands on her hips. She...

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Dragons Lair pt 1

It was a rainy day and Michael forgot his umbrella. "Sunny day they said. What does the BBC know? Nothing, that's what" Michael muttered to himself as he ran towards the university. He was already 15 minutes late and needed to be there, this...

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Dragons Lair pt 30

Wow. Part 30 already. I really hope I get the ending right on this. Itll be so disappointing to have such a long run and then fudge the ending :/ Anyways, enjoy the new part. ==================== They awoke the next morning in a mess of limbs....

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Dragons Lair pt 30 redux

Gah. I hated the original so i rewrote it to be better. And sorry for not uploading in a long time \>.\< Life got in the way, and i couldnt keep up. Now I have had some time to work a bit more and redo it so this is what ive been working on. I have...

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Dragons Lair pt 15

I'm going on holiday tomorrow until the 13th. I am taking my laptop so I can write more of my stories. This means that the part i have written down on paper should be on my laptop and i'm ahead of my schedule. This means I release more parts and so...

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Dragons Lair pt 14

They beamed into the bridge and Varek stood up straight, letting Myra relax. The soldier panicked and pointed his gun at Michael. "Don't do anything stupid, put the gun down." Michael warned, edging closer. "I have to. You took our prisoners." "You...

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Dragons Lair pt 5

Notes: Trying to work on a scene a little further in the book for this so no promises that part 6 will be out by the end of the week. I am also now accepting comissions. Anyways, enjoy part 5. ======== An hour later, Michael had finished and run the...

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Dragons Lair pt 3

Michael walked out last, after Myra, admiring her tail. It swayed with her hips and the scales reflected off the light making it sparkle. She turned around and said, "Thanks for being in there with me. I needed your help." She kissed...

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Dragons Lair pt 2

_[i]Myra was going home. She went inside and saw Sam there. Sam was 6 ft and dark green, he looked very determined to do something...[/i]_ Michael was having the dream again, but the surgeons were different again. Every few days they...

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