Crossing Bridges: A Novel

The conductor's voice came from the main stage. "guys! let's go! we have to have everyone here to meet madame rork!" ignoring the ferret conductor, jean moves his way stealthily to stage left behind the thick curtain.

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00 - The Fool

A conductor spotted him. he froze. the conductor approached. _what if it was a mistake? and they don't know i'm supposed to be here? what will mom and dad say?_ "universtrang student?" "er... yes, sir. stephric tietelbum."

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Mercurius Express — Chapter 2

Thumbnail and editing by kybal_lutra as the conductor was beginning to do his rounds, cross decided that he could do with a bit of unpacking while he waited for the conductor.

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Dinosaur Train: Lost Fragment

"it's clear mister conductor is very fond of you, and the two of you are extremely important to each other, especially now more than ever." mrs. p started to flush at what she was saying. "erma, how many times must i say it? i'm not with the conductor."

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Michael and Amanda, Chapter 15

After michael selected a room, the conductor stuck his head inside and said, "if you and the young lady desire anything, merely press this button and make your request. one of the conductors will let you know when the item requested is here."

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Chapter 4- A New Name, an Audition, and a Show

This must be where all the conductors go during rehearsal. there's a few rooms to the side of the main hall, which i assume to be conference areas for our teachers.

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Dinosaur Train: Buddy's Trials

Buddy was downright befuddled at that statement; the conductor... no longer the conductor?

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Rory's Voyage

He noticed as he approached her, that the conductor lion had given her a note. the end

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Lost Into The Past Chapter 1

conductor, was walking around the passenger carts and punching tickets, as well as making sure everything was in tip-top shape.

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A Tail of Long Distance Love: Chapter 3

I got giddy and ran to where the conductor would let him off the train car. here's the conductor, setting the steps down and now unloading. and he stepped off, there he was. the love of my life whom i'd met online.

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