The Windstorm Pack Chapter 6

The kick sent the wolf crashing down into the crater ryker made earlier. the impact deepened the crater more than double its size. the ground collapsing and cracking from the force the blow.

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Parasite Stream Story 3: Rocky Start in their Granted Forms

The two of them walked towards the crater, taking their time as the heat slowly faded away in the cool night air. the bear gradually made out the cool gray rock that was beneath the crater's lips, and shook his head at the bits of plants still on fire.

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Chapter 55: Inspecting the Site, Life in Crisis.

Everyone came to halt after finding two of the craters lining side by side just as the map showed. matt and garurumon looked for another crater that was close to the first two.

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Blinding Furry: Malcolm vs Alexander

Alexander said landing near the craters edge. his eyes fixed on the injured cat that lay at the bottom of the small crater. "accept defeat and come with me to your rightful place."

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His clawing and kicking of the ground grew much more desperate as he wanted nothing more than to get out of the crater. still, the two boys were making very little progress.

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The Dream That Turned Real - The Canine Underworld - Subchapter 2

And so, the giant spider set off on the long climb, shooting it's webbing to the ridge of the crater, acting as a winch of sorts, helping to pull them up the steep slope.

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the beggining

"how could i have-no survive first morn later" i looked down around me and saw a small rock embedded in the crater or had it made the crater?

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The Dark Masquerade Part #01

Slowly, she turned back towards the crater. her screams didn't reach the temple.

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Journeys of Time 17

The deeper they went into the forest, the more the stench of brimstone filled the air and much to their surprise, the small lava craters seemed a bit undisturbed, "look here, tenchi. the magma in these craters are more rock-like than fluid.

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Deus Ex Machina

Beaches that lined the inside of the crater... and really, that had been enough to take anitra's breath away when she first saw it.


MoonDust, Chapter 29

All the gray valleys and craters looked the same, and without satellite positioning, she couldn't tell where on the map they were.

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A Failed Quest

What if there was no end to the crater? he would tumble down, and- everything shifted. everything seemed to tilt backwards, causing nox to fly forward into the pit.

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