Digimon Darkness Chapter 13

The three digimon they took form of was devimon, gaumon, and leomon all of them black! gargomon: oh shit!

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Blood in the Moonlight 2

"wait where's devimon? those fucks killed devimon!" she jumped off of the table, fists clenched. "where's the wolfman? i'll rip his head off." tears filled her eyes. "i'll do it with my own hands!" "calm down dear!" wizardmon implored her.

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Rondo of Sin: Chapter 3

The devimon's eyes went wide as soon he was transported between their positions putting renamon close to rukan and the devimon in the middle of the twister.

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More episodes, more profits

devimon asked, suddenly alerted. "how can you enter this building without password?"

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End Game - Chapter 31 - And Release the Apocalypse

The screen filled with the final image of devimon deleting. gatomon was walking over as tai was speaking. "..we can't let devimon die in vain." tai announced. "we have to get out of here." "i am afraid that is impossible." gatomon smirked.

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Solipsism XX

A blue tinted devimon quipped. "not like you or lambchops over there are doing anything useful." "shut up and work." came a reply from a phantomon who was working next to him.

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A Shifters Tale

Serinity nodded at this, "it's true, that is the legend but since then the rulers have been defeated and their followers have since scattered to the wind, it is possible that this serph could have become bonded to one of the devimon or lady devimon don't you


Leomon's Reprogamming

The last place to check was obviously infinity mountain, where devimon once ruled before his deletion. when leomon gets there to the temple he discovers a rather creepy and shocking sight.

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Chapter 2: Memories

He's part digimon, the son of two viral digimon, ladydevimon and devimon. but i thought you lost your powers when you battled apocalymon." "i never battled apocalymon." izzy retaliated.

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Digilove chapters 3&4

devimon digivolved into myotismon then and there. dusk swiped another card. "digimodify blackwargreymon's black tornado activate!" he yelled myotismon became a swirling black mass as he attacked prax.

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