MLP - Death to Friendship - A birth of a new age.
discord falls to the ground gasping for air.
Penchant: Ch 5-2*: A Deranged Day for Discord
Whether it was luna that night or celestia tomorrow discord didn't care as long as he got to see it. discord, headed across the chamber, flying.
Dr. Whooves: Chapter 9 : To Fool the Trickster
discord continued to bring ardith forward, closer and closer to his grasp. "stop!" celestia commanded angrily lashing out with fire at discord.
Penchant: CH 5: And Now For Something Completely Different
She had always been a sucker for cake and discord wondered how she kept her **"divine figure."** discord, if you interrupt me again... celestia help me...
discord's grin twisted his voice. "you've totally done this before." in an instant, discord's hips met shining's.
Dr. Whooves: Chapter 5: So This Is A Game?
discord shakily began to stand up. "then so be it." the doctor lunged at discord who in his battered state was unable to move away. a hoof connected with discord's jaw and he fell back from his half stand.
I'm Still Not Over You
He confronted discord about what happened to find that it was just a dream (through a lengthy well-thought lie discord had convinced him to believe). ever since, spike had taken more caution around discord.
discord replied defensively though his sneer never left his facial features. "you discorded us!
Righteous Chaos
By her side, discord stood and stared.
Born of Chaos Ch. 5
"discord," luna wondered, "why haven't you touched that village yet?" discord looked over at her. "hmm? oh, the village."
My little Pony: Guardain of Equestria pt 2 (preview)
When the light faded, standing large, i don't know, maybe double the height of celestia, maybe double and a half when she is on all fours stood the god of chaos; discord.
Born Of Chaos Ch. 6
She finished raising the sun and turned to discord, smiling. "don't you agree love?" discord only smiled back, if it could be called a smile.