First Contact

It seems resistant to the effects of aging and erosion. the edges of the... markings upon it are still clean, not worn at all. the tablet is around a meter tall, half a meter wide, and 8 centimeters thick.

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Love & Joy - For The Love Of...- part 5

PARTS SO Far -------------------------------------------------------- Part 1~what a mess - [Read Here](%5C) Part 2 ~Emotionally Dead - [Read Here](%5C) Part 3~The Oblivious Truth - [Read Here](%5C) Part 4~If a Tree burns? - [Read Here](%5C) Part...

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Hydra - Meet the Weredog Character

In the centuries of its disuse, you can see the hallmarks of erosion from the ocean's tides. the floor of the portal chamber is only accessible during low tide.

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Laurin tales: JJ's story chapter 1-2

Pulled straight out of the ground, already in the shape you see it in today, minus some erosion. it isn't perfect, but the wizards can fix her up if it gets too bad" "but, that can't be. that can't happen" jj protested. "and yet, there she stands."

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Lair of the Hypnospider

The walls and ceiling don't have tool marks as you know them, but haven't been formed by water erosion. you press onward, creeping along slowly. if the cave has been trapped, you won't stumble rashly upon one.

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Morning Walk in Warerfront Park (WIP)

The drain took all of the water from the storm sewers and sent it into the bay, it only had riprap rocks lining the bottom of it to prevent erosion.

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468 The Last of the First Ones

Like all the remnants of the ancient civilization that they've seen, this must have been something buried deeply underground when it was first made, with the depth and supreme engineering of its makers enabling it to somehow survive the ages against erosion

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Vivi, Da Hip-Heay, Defiantly Healthy Dhole(look it up)

Like corder icbm's, the hard-edges striations constantly cut into stark relief then soften into luscuios, curvy bulges like time-elasped sandstone erosion as he jogs in place, broad chest heaving with his pitch-perfect rhythmic breathing.

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Chapter sqrt13: Zenith of Fulfillment

The nightmare always floating but he doesn't cause any erosion toward any object in the living room, but even for a nightmare, he shared a different sentiment toward sotho.

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The Lake Calls- Rhysoning ch.3

He looked like years of harsh erosion. safe to say, george wasn't getting up for a while, "let's get out of here rhys." "couldn't agree with you more my friend." i yelled dashing towards the lake with tatsuya next to me.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 35

Every now and again, they would come across a rise on the right or the left of their little street that had that green erosion-proof toothpaste. they drove under three different kinds of sky. first it was overcast and cloudy.

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"roughly three darl'ks of rokhthar, worn by wind erosion to an edge on one side. and?" "see that length of wood?" "yes." "hold it under your left arm, supporting it with your left hand. hold the rock in your right hand, edge outward.

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