Fly on the Wall

The deeply etched lines of definition funneled the suds and water down to the drain in the floor.

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Illumanati Tales: New Beginnings.

The top had other etchings as well, depicting foxtaurs in all manner of poses and sexes, from kits to young adults to family etchings and older foxtaurs.

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Starts Here

I nodded and etched a little closer to her, she kindly greeted me with laying her head on my shoulder, i blushed fully and put a arm around her.

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The Vixen, A Kitsune Chapter 5

It had the clans mark etched on the back in a slightly lighter black thread. she also took out some loosely fitting black pants with polished silver knee guards that had designs etched in just like nala's breastplate.

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The Bargain

He was lucky one of the mine workers spotted it; most kobolds wouldn't notice etchings and runes unless they were in draconic. he had rewarded the team well for their discovery. a little research and he knew what the alter was for.

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The magic has to be bound by etching a marking of some sort in order to seal the magic inside the item and keep it from slowly leaking out. the markings can be anything, any shape or symbol, but it has to be etched and engrained into the object.

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Blackest Heart chapter one

Trish walks into the study the blue silk dress clings to her figure complimenting her ebon scales and matching the runes etched into her draconian flesh.


Tale of Toumal, Part 3: Arrival at the Temple

Nodding slowly, he let her lead him around the rest of the temple, finally arriving at a room with "22" etched in the stone above the wooden door, and she opened it with a wink, trilling.

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The Ancient World

They laid him down next to some tall, manipulated rocks that were etched in cryptic code. as the world maker took his last dying breaths, he spoke to the imbued rocks and sealed the gate as he etched more code into them.

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A Little Reflection

They instantly tightened, forming rigid fingers of finely etched muscle, angling downward to make his waist seem even narrower.

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True to Form: Part Eight

It was a ten-foot broadsword, etched with runes down the middle. the weapon gleamed brightly, eager to kill demonspawn. the door exploded towards us, sliding onto the muck and landing at our feet.

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The Fouled Doe

Inside an aged, stinking cell, a middle aged man etched tally marks into his rusting cell door. sebastian looked broken, his sullen, sunken eyes staring into space as he etched in his twenty-third mark. twenty-three innocent men and women hanged.

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