Genetic Children-Log 27-A.R.S.E.N.A.L appears.

Korms bullet went right through the mans hand, and with a few tiny sparks it pierced the m-84 flashbang. every person within 3 meters on either side of the car were hit with a huge blast wave and a huge bang.

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Leyline - Chapter 2

flashbang in hand, farrion gave a nod to his commanding officer who backed away from the door. loosening his grip, the handle to the grenade popped free and he counted to one before tossing it through the opening.

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Hellhounds: Dylan’s Fireshow (Part 2)

There was no other option left, except to use a flashbang. i snatched up a stun grenade and swiftly pulled out the pin before erratically tossing it on the stairs, covering my ears and shutting my eyes.

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Hunter's Moon: Ties that Bind

A flashbang was tossed in and ford crashed his chair away from the expected explosion. he was facing upwards when the flash occurred, sparing him from temporary blindness.

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Lost in Los Angeles- Chapter 3

She fingered the flashbang grenades clipped to her belt. "nothing else, other than ammunition." "interesting..." the lead soldier turned to confer with his comrades for a moment before turning back. "what else are you carrying?"

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Wick paced back and forth with a flashbang in one hand, the luxometer in the other. ensuring the lights were at the appropriate lux level for the extermination process.

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Game-Changer, Chapter Five

She caught a glimpse of two of the small decepticons looking over their shoulders at the door before double-d hurled the flashbangs across the room. a bright light burst in the air and suddenly arcee's sensors scrambled.

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After the job

The tone in his voice sent a shiver up his spine, "i don't think that was a flashbang..."

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Oh, College: The Morning After

The sunlight shined through the window, feeling like a flashbang to them both. albus wiggled down, and closed the blinds by turning the little knob thing with his foot-paws.

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Chiricov- Chapter 7: Through the Smoke and into Danger

There was an intense flash of pure white light; followed by the shock wave that flashbangs create. we heard a load groan, as we rounded the corner. there was a temporarily blinded belken insurgent lying on the floor.

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Shu thrust one last time before he exploded, a flashbang of bliss going off in his brain as he sprayed rope after rope of his thick cream into the wrinkled folds of the boy's inner walls, the only thing stopping him from howling out his pleasure was that he

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