Thursday Prompt – Burn: A Babsie Hottail Short

Now as her ship spirals out of control, how will that resplendent harlequin rabbit save herself? ~ babsie banged on the flight control panel desperately as flames shot up around her. it was hopeless. "don't give up on me now!"

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Haru's passion

Then she fucked the boyfriend of that harlequin rabbit and things went south really fast. on one hand, she was left alone more often, on the other, the harassment.

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Wild Horses Part 8 Cool Calm & Collected

After the judge gave the open harlequin ribbons out the one that won the class, he and his handler lined up in front of me.

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Couches and Punishment

Hehe~ description: jack is a harlequin rabbit who is a pet of a "dragon" named zern. today he was tasked to clean the house before his master returned.

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Romance Novels

Just to look up into the fox's face, the serene smile on his lips as he read his harlequin paperback, the fox almost seemed a mystery.

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Inferno High - Chapter 17

With a massive series of bright, harlequin green lines that sparkled like emeralds, there were a few sapphire blue lines, and i thought i caught a hint of amber around his pupil.

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Bet Over Football

And so he did, followed immediately by the harlequin, who covered him with his huge body and pressed flush his hips, their manly equipments touching each other.

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Her figure is hugged tightly by her black and red split-color spandex harlequin bodysuit, complete with her jestress' hat, adorned with two tails that end in white pom-poms at jaw's length.

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LB: Epilogue - Requiem For My Harlequin

Also, the title of this chapter comes from "requiem for my harlequin" by poets of the fall. enjoy~! link: late november rolled in fast.

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Morning After

With a soft moan the harlequin rabbit stretched, opening her blue eyes to the world. at first she found she was confused, scared even. it wasn't her room, wasn't her bed. where was she? but it wasn't long before it all came back to her.

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Regrettable Circumstances: Ep.4 Pt.1

He came face to face with becky, who had no eyes either, and instead of her soft, gentle smile, had an un-naturally wide (ear to ear, literally, in fact) harlequin's grin that dripped blood.

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World of Osmis: Classes

-wrestler (leather gloves) qi fighter:- -aura master (bare hands and feet) -spirit hand (bare hands and feet or gauntlets and greeves) street fighter:- -avenger (iron gauntlets and greeves) assassin:- -shadowblade (daggers and throwing knives) -harlequin

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