Storytime With Lysithea

So just a silly thing of what kinda goes on when lysi is bored and has all these playthings about, a pretty stacked larp session.

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My Guardian Demons - Part 1

Vendors sold foam swords and leather armour for the upcoming larp event and cos-players paraded the hall, some sword in hand, others hand in hand and pushing baby strollers. i exhaled slowly. _so far, so good_.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Six

My comments about going to a stupid larp had staved of stacey's questions for the rest of the day, but what the little twerp had said haunted me anyway. majestic was still watching us just in case dr. lacken needed a new pincushion.

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One Good Fight (Written Commission)

I've been caught up with my internet reviews, larp, and working a lot. eventually i'll be able to survive just off of my writing and then everything will be better. anyway let's see what i can saw about this.

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Side Story bonus.

I swear these two are from another time period or something, i just thought they were doing larping or cosplaying or somthing like that when i found them.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Eight

"what, are you afraid the dweeb's gonna try to larp with you on the bus or something?" i froze. so she'd seen edgar in there after all. "no, no, it's not that," i said, looking back at ed through the bus window.

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My little Pony: Guardain of Equestria pt 2 (preview)

"are you two larping or something?" for any of you who don't know what larp is, its means live action role play. me and mike looked to each other as he pointed his chin to her and then to me, i guess he wanted me to explain everything to her.

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Plastic Stars in Our Private Galaxy

I know someone who's looking for a player in a larp." "come on, i'm being serious." "so am i. and for what it's worth, i think you'd make a cute vampire." a naughty gleam caught in the coyote's eye.

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A Lazy Monday

I smile, remembering rachel describe a late night larp game that involved storming the same castle. i'd never considered conor to be tolerant of cubs but his tail wags as he watches them play.

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M&FF: A Cluster Fuck of Disaster!

This wasn't a larp, this was a real war, and she could actually be killed if she was not careful. the whole time she was training, she hadn't put much thought into it.

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An introduction to Blood Sports prt 1

. ------------------------------------------------ monsters and fairy folk: when this blood sport came out, just about every larping nerd creamed their pants!


Havana or Hell, part one

Vendors, dressed in medieval garb sold foam swords and leather armor for larping events. fantasy cos-players paraded the hall, some sword in hand, others hand in hand, and some pushing baby strollers. i exhaled slowly.

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