Family ties
Edgar watched with a leering smile as tom panted and moaned, slipping a finger between the human's ass cheeks. he rubbed a finger pad over that hot anal plucker, and then slowly worked it inside.
Hogging the Sows...
He leered at the watching boars, it was more for effect than fact, but they seemed to react well to it.
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"hey, cuties.", one of them said, twirling his leather cat as he leered at the young ferrets. "what say you get over here and tongue our assholes."
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leers inquired. "necromorphs, as i am sure the reason is apparent." "how did you fight them?" "we didn't really war with them; it was more like a prolonged fighting withdrawal.
Wenn die Nacht herein bricht - Der Nachtmahr
Seine worte verhallten in der leere des waldes, bevor er sich wieder aufrichtete und in beinahe arrogant wirkender pose in die dunkelheit starrte.
Ben und Kai - Teil 8
Wenn seine eltern sein zimmer leer räumen, dachte er sich, dann haben sie eine gute begründung dafür, „zumindest hoffe ich das mal." dachte er.
Kings Champion
Slowly walking out to the castle courtyard, pasting a number of leering guards and servants who are still awake at that hour.
The smiths herd visit
The blacksmith grinned leeringly, as things playing out just as he had figured they would. "visiting rights..."
Die legende des Silber Drachen 7
Er fand eine bücherei , eine küche, einige leere zimmer und eine wachstube. aber alle räume waren leer. und selbst in den gängen war es toten still. schließlich fand er einen raum in dem die reiter saßen. „feldherr!"
Capitulo 9. La última visita a mi viejo maestro.
Intento leer algunos de los títulos, pero no los entiendo, están escritos en algún lenguaje antiguo.
The Champion's Fiendish Brat
"go on," said theseus, and that leer was back. feeling as though he were scarlet to his toes, zagreus began spreading scented oil on theseus's cock.
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The big human leered at the feline, making it pretty lplain what his intentions were. "i just need someone to suck on him, while i take some video like this." "ahhh well... of course."