Taking Calls

His listeners set their dials to his station. they waited to hear what had to be said tonight. it could have been a moral debate brought on by a listener, a complimentary fan, or a poor soul in need of guidance.

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Tai's Story - The Extras!

listen (listen) listen (listen) listen (listen) listen (listen) listen (listen) listen (listen) listen listen listen to each drop of rain (listen listen) whispering secrets in vain (listen listen) frantically searching for someone to hear; their

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Under Striped Feet, Chapter 1: Seeing Blue

"watch, listen, relax, obey." "keep saying it. whisper it to yourself, and never stop." "watch, listen, relax, obey. watch, listen, relax, obey. watch, listen, relax, obey. watch, listen, relax, obey. watch, listen, relax, obey.

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The Coach's Whistle (For Zsisron)

Just relax like i told you, and watch the whistle sway...listen to the sound of the whistle, and listen to the sound of my voice... "you like to listen, don't you? you like to listen, and do what you're told.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 44

Banno listened to them fly down the stairs, screaming and shouting, he listened to them go outside, he listened to the dying screams of their generous little horse, and he listened to the screams of... was that valery? she didn't sound very happy.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 44

Banno listened to them fly down the stairs, screaming and shouting, he listened to them go outside, he listened to the dying screams of their generous little horse, and he listened to the screams of... was that valery? she didn't sound very happy.

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Poem: Music of dragons

listening, to the song, listening, to the notes never wrong listening, to the three dragons, and dream...

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Adding a Stick Up the Butt

"just let yourself rest and relax as you listen to my words and watch the swaying pendant. just listen to me and watch, listen and watch. it's so simple, so easy to let yourself drift away as you listen to me, and focus on nothing but the pendant."

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Accidental 'Daddy'

The lion had listened to four of the different mind control files, each one implanting a need to be told what to do, a need to listen to commands.

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Bunny Beats

Then one of them posted talking about music they were listening to, sharing some of it. lurker smiled, pausing his own to listen and enjoy.

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King by Orgiastic Approval

"listen to me...listen to me, and let your thoughts fade away. listen to me, and let my words fill your minds. listen to me, and let any thought of worry, any feeling of fear, drift out of your mind.

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