He Who Would be Master: 11

Angel asked loving the feel of othello's coarse hair on his face. "i fought a fire-demon-thing... and i lost..." othello responded. "and then a wind-thingy got you," angel muttered softly.

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He Who Would Be Master: 9

His only concern was how slick and warm othello felt, and the wooden stake in his chest. and how quiet othello was being. and how cold the wind was getting. even through his jacket, the chill seemed to cut him to the bone.

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Here there be dragons (mean ones too!)

A resounding roar that causes the airship othello to shudder splits the air and throbs in alessandra's head.

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He Who Would be Master: Chapter 8

These things cared for othello only slightly more than they cared for angel! if they didn't need him, his master would just be another prey-animal to these monsters, and othello was relying on them for teaching and protection? did he know that??

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Proyecto FUR 5

#6 of proyecto fur (spanish) encuentro numero 5 por: kamahata 5) othello vs brooklyn "faltan 10 horas para la quinta ronda, othello vs brooklyn" se escucho una voz por todo el lugar.

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He Who Would be Master: 9

Angel wondered if that's what othello felt when he denied angel climax. it was invigorating, but even othello would let him cum eventually. "i wanted to see those horns more..."

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Chapter IV: Feeling a little Grizzly

othello asked, bright brown eyes shining. richard rolled his eyes and gave his son a pointed look. "okay, what do you want?" "nothing!" othello exclaimed though his cheeky grin said a lot.

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Ander - Part 5: Subchapter 4

othello said, brandishing his finger at mateo's back like a sword.

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He Who Would be Master 13

othello breathed, blind with pain. his voice wouldn't work. his mouth was too wet and tasted hotly sour. still, he couldn't bring himself to beg.

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The Heiress and the Veterinarian Chapter 1: Change in Direction

And anyway," she said sternly, gesturing at the hodag, "othello doesn't like town life." "othello will cope," tiny said dryly, observing that the beast was contently crunching on a small creature he had just captured.

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Tales of Airethe 23: Brawne's Offer

The deck of the othello appears to be in good repair, though it is difficult to tell in the dark.

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That Day, Part 9 - Theatrics (W.I.P)

Well, i forgot about things up until the final scene, and in particular othello's big speech, when one line in particular struck me: 'speak of me as i am; nothing extenuate...'

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