Bound by Destiny 13

Me and peri met in a church ruin in england. she was... taking care of herself there and found me out, so i tried to leave, but she begged me to come back.

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Journeys of Time 1

Tenchi simply smiled and gave peridot a kiss on her cheek, "i am not going to die so easily, peri." peridot held closer to tenchi and whimpered, "i do not wanna let you go."

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The Adventure of the Great Hudson Wolf Takeshi Furuya

Years and years pass as they don't age and takeshi with the help of his now submissive closed relationship feline friend peri they have found out all but one of his abilities to which she can not understand how it works but knows that it only works on the

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Flesh, Blood, and Bone

If this goes through, the lycans may all peris. despite their skill, lore has alot more warriors." jinna coughed, but replied "true, thats why we are asking you to join our fight; to help in the struggle of races."  

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Bound by Destiny 15

Getting up quickly, tenchi next turned her attention to peridot who was still trying to punch sasha, her arms grabbing peridot's left, "peri, calm down, it is over! we won!"

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Bound by Destiny 15

Getting up quickly, tenchi next turned her attention to peridot who was still trying to punch sasha, her arms grabbing peridot's left, "peri, calm down, it is over! we won!"

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Bound by Destiny 8

Tenchi's emotions ran wild from hearing the question before she began to cry, nodding as peridot slipped the ring onto her finger, "with all of my heart, peri. i love you."

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Injured Animal (A1, B11, C20)

It was peri lynn. cybil speaks in his sleep. sometimes he has waking dreams. his visions of the other fork have faded, but i used to trail him to keep tabs on his visions involving you." "you shadowed him, huh?" eric grimaced.

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A Call to Arms (A1, B11, C6)

"he said ulfey's death reminded him of peri lynn's death. both girls were trying to be the hero, and both died valiantly." karla looked away. "peri..." "yeah. my sister. she died in 1999." "i thought i already told you i knew her." rue nodded. "yeah.

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Bound by Destiny 8

Tenchi's emotions ran wild from hearing the question before she began to cry, nodding as peridot slipped the ring onto her finger, "with all of my heart, peri. i love you."

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Journeys of Time 10

Tenchi gently booped peridot's muzzle, "relax, peri. i know what you mean." peridot giggled before both of them heard kichiro speak, "well, get something to eat then while i get the wyverns ready for flight."

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Journeys of Time 16

Looking at peridot, tenchi was smiling, "i guess you got to call up nessie for a few days, peri." peridot's face turned a shade of red as everyone laughed, except for kin, who tilted her head, "who is nessie?"

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