Meeting With Krystal

In fact, at one time or another, many of the most famous actresses, pornographic and not, have bared my bastard child. when we arrived, i placed the deep blue box in my pocket, giving a quick little salute before the limo driver pulled off.

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The Woman's Other Bible

At the time, the scholars thought this version, bordering on pornographic and commending the free will of women to pursue their own sexual devices, was a threat to the order of both the christian churches and the jewish synagogues.

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The Penis Never Lies

"they're pornographic magazines. i'm assuming you've never seen these before either?" josh gave tim a bit of a concerned look. "nope. just sports and television magazines my dad and mom have."

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Screw Health

#1 of zane's fucking highschool a sequel to pornographic impregnation (prior reading not required) 17 years after mata knocked up god knows how many women, his son, zane, was a high school student, and shared many of his father's features, except species

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The Raven

This is pretty much what it looks like - a pornographic, furrified version of poe's 'the raven'. been thinking about it for a while, but i ended up writing it in about a day. in other words, this did not supersede the other stuff i'm working on.

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Characters for Shadowrun Story: Silvara

Because she was a changeling, she was considered top in price, and was almost sold to a pornographer in vegas who ran a high profile casino (her new master was taken down by shadowrunners).

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Pete's Problem

Furry bodies collided, again and again, and a cacophony of grunts, groans and gasps filled the air, a pornographic symphony of delight.

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A Slave's Perspective

Mostly "how pornographic and kinky can i make a first person perspective story?". the answer? very! the reason the "narrator" has neither a name nor species is so you dirty little pervs can fill in the blanks with whatever you like. personally? thats me!

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They had just come from the red phoenix territory, the best place in the darknet to get a hold of pornographic material.

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Prologue: Primary Sources

He further revealed that in addition to mental changes, the griffon underwent physical changes that can only be described as "pornographic."

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Gryphon Meat Factory: Room Service

The gryphoness is pretty sure she hears the sound of something pornographic on the tv, but she doesn't stop to look at anything.

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Afrit/Afreet – The Captured Jinn

I heavily debated writing an intensely pornographic version of the rape scene but decided against it. i don't exactly like glorifying rape. when i handle rape i want it to be treated with a different level than my erotic works.

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