The Pets Keepers ch2
This was a spinoff of my beloved pet series which I could only complete three parts of before I lost interest. They roughly corespond to the first three chapters of The Beloved Pet. Posted to DA on...
The End ch5: The Mountain
End of Days Chapter 5 "The Mountain" Quick side note: My chapters shall be getting longer and more detailed, but will be posted less often. The ones I'm posting now were written about a year ago, which is why they're terrible. I've recently...
Vet Visit Interlude
As far as i'd known she'd never been in watching any of the procedures with any of the cats and she already understood about keeping her mouth shut about cleo's unusual habits.
an endless voyage continued ch 25
The procedure finally complete, tom withdrew his arm along with the ultrasound probe, then wiped the probe down, and disposed of his shoulder-length gloves.
Mental Compliance Script
MENTAL COMPLIANCE SCRIPT (Ver. 1.7.2) The subject awakens with some confusion, finding themself in a heavily postured chair before a thin desk. A stack of papers sits in the middle of the desk. To the other side sits a blankly smiling drone in an...
A Giant Problem XII
I awoke to find myself still laying back with my blanket covering me. I looked around, just shifting my eyes and not moving my head for fear of dislodging someone. My parents were sitting on my chest, talking quietly with Dr. Stevenson who was sipping...
Ellen pulled up the drive to her cabin, turned off the motor, and climbed from her car, taking a deep breath and enjoying the mountain air. Her parents leaving this place to her was one of the greatest gifts they had given her, not that it in any way...
Might Makes Right Chaper 1.5 - Interlude
Franklin looked up at the clock on the mantle within his living room. The whine of a European siren, probably an ambulance, wailed up from the street bellow. Two o'clock. The letter said to meet his contact at four thirty. He had plenty of time. The...
A taste of your own medicine (7)
"Matt, Mattew, MATTEW!" I awoke with a start at my name being called. I opened my eyes and all I saw were bright lights, medical center lights. I groaned, "where am I" I asked with a surprisingly scratchy voice and sore back. FLASHBACK The tv alerted...
Das Auge der Verführung - Kapitel 8: Beim Arzt
Und weil's so schön war - hier noch ein Kapi für euch. :-P Natürlich bitte ich wie immer alle Leser um Unterstützung. Sollte sich trotz meiner zahlreichen Korrekturen und der Verwendung der neusten Rechtschreibprogrammen dennoch ein Fehlerchen...
A Giant Problem IX
I looked at Dr Stevenson, just stared at him. "You mean there was nothing wrong with what they gave me?" "Not a thing, Jason. It was exactly what they said it was. No harm to you and honestly probably some benefit" "I don't understand." "Maybe...
That Place 5: Mad Max
Some more dogs had been brought in throughout the day by various people. Some, like me, whose families brought them here. Others Tom dragged in on the end of the loop-pole thing and shoved into the empty runs here and there. They were mostly afraid, or...