The Traveler and the Dragon

It did not help that pyro had begun to work on his tail, a sensitive area of his body. "pyro?" "hm?" "is there - is there anything else that the oil does?"

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Lost and Found

There's no way i'm going to find pyro in this forest._ i rounded a boulder and noticed a tiny orange glow in the distant trees. my heart leapt at this and i rushed towards it. it has to be pyro!

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Brothers In Arms

He made up his mind and walked over to where pyro, cinder, and their respective mates were sleeping. he smiled and kick pyro in the side lightly. pyro opened one eye and looked up at darkfire. "morning darkfire, what new?"

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Blueberry Bug Muffins

Though pyro was chomping on all the leftover rolls. and he reached for another, field eying the rolls ... as the wolf's paw went for them. "want one?" pyro asked. a tiny nod. "heh ... " pyro picked one up.

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One Hot Day

pyro was having the same feelings, his body temperature rising far above normal even with the flames that danced along his back.

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The first story, a birthday present for my friend ashley (much, much belated) involved the same characters, but mika coming home with pyro and... pyro being pyro.

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Those Stubborn Similitudes

"i'm not from this universe," explained pyro. "i'm not from here." a pause. "i was brought here by the wasps. the wasps assimilate." "assimilate?" "not from this universe?" pyro ignored the questions.

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Apocalypse: Branch Chapter Three

pyro cut in. "alright jen you go first i'll go second and since your big yep got us into this mess you can go last pyro." "fine i got this anyway just go i'm running low on ammo."

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Love and Pain chapter 6

"don't expect anyone to rescue you this time" pyro taunted as shot a fire ball at the corner of a building. pyro walked over to the rubble and picked what looked like a human body.

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