A Very Delusional Christmas

"bingo, bango, i wanna make out with rango!" valyrym's head knit itself back together in an instant. the dragon jerked upright, gasping.

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Naruto Nidaime Juubi(Spanish)

Pregunto naruto apuntando hacia su chaqueta en su pecho obteniendo un asentimiento de parte de char "esta es la chaqueta de chuunin de konoha, recuerdan cuando les explique los rangos de los shinobis?"

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La Curandera III - My Old Self

When kenyon eventually trotted to a stop just in front of the town's statue of rango djones, the heroic and bloodthirsty founder of bayside, you could have heard a pin drop. every polite, terrified cough drew a hundred angry glares.

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Pokemon Lust And Passion Ch. 2

What mysterious new thing that's only in the rango region...and what double trouble shall they get into, find out in this next chapter author note: sorry this took so long but it's finally here, buckle up for this one is another long one longer then last which

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La Curandera - Part II - The Storm

Turning slowly, the crowd backing hesitantly away, shi stared up where there had once been a polished stone statue of bayside's founder, a heroic and heavily armed stallion by the name of rango djones. now, though... "it looks just like you!"

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