Eragon:Away From It All, On A Cliff, Where No One, No One Can Find Us...
The only reason he was doing this...was for her, for saphira. ever since she came into his life, saphira had been there for him.
The Secret
"i love you saphira." he said to saphira. _and i you, eragon._ she replied tenderly. _it hurt a lot to take you inside of me like that. i don't think we shall do that again. unless you really want to._ "you never know saphira.
Chapter 10: Emergence
"saphira please," eragon chuckled, squirming under her gaze. "you've been at me since you woke up from your nap." _well, what did you expect?_ saphira snorted.
Saphira's Burning Question
They looked at one another again once saphira stopped blushing beneath her scales. glaedr put on a smile and dove in, kissing saphira on the lips.
New Age, New Life.
Eragon poured the potion into saphira's maw and as soon as the bottle was empty saphira closed her mouth and swallowed. "i don't feel any diff..." saphira said before she collapsd to the ground "saphira."
Chapter 12: Of Fire and Iron
saphira smiled.
Saphira's Dream
As he flew away, saphira thought about how she could free him from galbatorix. a few minutes later, thorn called saphira with a note of amazed urgency to his voice. "saphira! you've got to see this!
Chapter 3: Courting Eragon
This chap switches between both eragon and saphira's point of views. saphira, as the title suggests, is putting her plan in motion to win eragon over as her ... well, mate.
Dorns Rache
"_ diese drohung reichte, um saphira zum schweigen zu bringen. als die beiden die höhle erreichten, in der saphiras dilemma angefangen hatte, nahm dorn die eisenketten wieder auf und hielt sie saphira hin.
Enjoying a Hero
saphira moaned softly, her body thrumming with pleasure. he then trailed up her thigh, confusing saphira for a moment.
Kapitel 9: Schicksaalsschlag
Eragon erschuf hastig magische schilder um saphira und sich vor der hitze zu schützen, gleichzeitig flog saphira ein stück von der gefahr weg. von saphiras rücken aus blickte sich eragon erschrocken um, er hatte nicht mit einem angriff gerechnet.
Kapitel 8: Aufbruch
Dorn brüllte vor schmerzen auf, während saphira vor wut brüllte. diese emotionen übertrugen sich auf eragon, der zusammen mit saphira den geist des magiers angriff.