toxic love

Pete said aloud and pondered if he hadn't just been exposed to howard's weezing again. "oh my such handsome serpent you are." a silken voice crooned making pet look up.

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Super-Furs! Chapter one: Origin

"thanks sis." weezed rick, "but if you keep hugging me, i'm going to pass out agian." liz apologised and stopped hugging him. rick could see that her hair was a mess, all in knots and tangled. he figured she must have been up for a while.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Power Plant

Another swimmer challenged me with a seel and i sent out my weezing who battled well from the air, thanks to his ability levitate. using sludge bomb he defeated seel.

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Yesterday was Rough

Enough with the suffocating," i weezed through my clenched teeth. when he let me go i spun around and landed a kick square in his chest, and he was on his butt again. "what next, rick? swords?" he got up looking frustrated as ever, rubbing his tail.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Route 12, 13 and 14

Another punk then challenged me with a weezing a poison type and i sent out my kadabra and had him use a powerful psychic to knock weezing out.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Kanto Pokedex

The final pokemon sent out was a wigglytuff and i substituted for my weezing having him use sludge bomb winning the battle. a ace trainer then challenged me with a electrode and i sent out my sandslash having him use bulldoze defeating electrode.

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Road Rovers... or at least they were...

\*weez\* were... \*puff\* the best... whoooo..." as she sat there looking at the time with an astonishing 13 seconds as she turned to him, she looked down at him and the mess he had made. "umm... don't you have something to finish?"

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Scuffle in Viridian City (Chapter 3 of my Pokemon Series)

The rocket noticed this and grinned, tossing out his first pokemon, weezing. john quickly recorded this in his pokedex, before noticing that the gas pokemon had already been shocked and had fainted from the pain. "ah, she's strong now.

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Eating the Client

Feeling something rectangular pressing up against the side of her head, adelphie gathered up the last of her strength to weeze into it, "please, get me out! i don't want to die! please..."

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Chapter 3: Team Rocket Admins and love?

Zero took down three of janine pokemon; crobat, weezing **,** and her toxicroak **.** and eve took down her venomoth and ariados. she is down to her last pokemon, so yen sent me out...

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Praetorian: Chapter 1

Still weezing, devius managed to complain, "do we really... have to... run like this.. boss? whats the point... of patrol... if im too damn tired... to do stuff..." he huffed out.

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Object of my Affection

"ahh thats ok" she weezed "i do have that effect on some people. is there anything in particular you were looking for?" "well i..uh...ummm" robert stammered, having a hard time putting in words what it was exactly he wanted.

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