Western Hearts: Part One
Meredith yawned as she felt the sun shine on her face, the morning sun was shining brightly, the glow from the sun bringing it's radiant warmth into the small cottage in the middle of the verdant and pristine forest, her home lay near a town a small...
Introducing Raiyoku the Western Dragon
I am a bisexual, western green dragon from australia. i have a feral form, though it is never seen by any who are not my closest mates, so i reside virtually permanently in my anthro appearance for the sake of blending in with others...
The Western Cube Chapter 6
#6 of the western cube tatyana's ventures through the cube get more extreme as she encounters a brothel, and is subsequently 'hired' by the man inside.
The Western Cube Chapter 5
#5 of the western cube tatyana meets with greene and is given another offer. as well as learning the details of this place.
The Western Cube Chapter 3
#3 of the western cube tatyana finishes getting out of her cell, and then meets with the other ai that lives down here.
Dragon's Parasitic Pleasure
A teal colored western-eastern dragon hybrid said as he examined the purple plants that he picked up with his claws. the dragon brought it closer to his snout and took a little sniff.
Occurrence At Freehorn
A dry heat settled over the dusty land of Freehorn. The town busy with the errands of the day's work to be done. The deputy sheriff looked out of the window in his office and admired the bustling of the townsfolk. He raised a paw to his forehead and...
Selth Blackwings : full description
Name: Selth Blackwings Type: Male Feral dragon Mannerism: Generally of a kind nature, can get rude at people who he feels do not deserve his kindness (you usually must upset him for that though). His rudeness isn't that of a high level, he...
Chapter 2
Jackal's way led him north and he drew near the mountains. With every step his steed took the closer they got to the mountains. His thoughts were still focused on his house he had burned to the ground after he killed the small otter. Jackal still...
Chapter 1
The new day's dawning was almost up ahead as the young wolf opened his eyes and stared at the ceiling of his room. Now the night was at his darkest point. Slowly the wolf got up and looked out of his window. His eye was caught by the mountains nearby....
chapter five
Chapter Five, You Never Forget Your First.. Brody Brody's ears perk up hearing someone thumping up the stairs and panting hard the clatter of shells being reloaded , the acrid tang of blood reaching his nose making him grimace. glancing over at...
Hunter's Bio
He has taken on quite a few of his dad's western traits, such as his shaping and other biological features; however, he also takes after a few traits that are on his mom's side, such as the fact he has no wings like the other western dragons.