The Lead Crown: Ch 8.4c, The Great Illusion

He watched wiesen head into the building, shouting out for kesst. nicole and inigo followed after him.

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Máella Twins - Kapitel 15: Bruderlos

Die sonne stand hoch, als wir den wald hinter uns ließen und über die wiesen liefen. sie gehörten noch zu dem teil des waldes, der nicht betreten werden durfte, daher achtete ich darauf, dass man uns nicht bemerkte.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5a, What's In a Name? (Pt 4)

"wiesen?" the ewe nodded calmly, "yes. wiesen is a good man. i met him at church. he's looking for his red scaled son, named kesst."

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Als ich starb kahm ein neuer Anfang.docx

Sie liefen viele tage lang über wiesen und wälder bis sie schließlich am meer an kamen und sich alle drei in die fluten stürzten.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6c, Ghosts of the Past (Pt 5)

Brother jessen reached out and took hold of wiesen's arm, "now is not the time, sir crook... we must--" the doberman's ears raised, "cook? as in, the templah cook?" inigo murmured from the ground holding his side, "crook... with an r."

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The Lead Crown: Ch 8.2a, Rude Awakenings

'sort of wiesen'. e) bartholomeu and his men?!?!? wtf?!?!

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The Lead Crown: Epilogue, Part 2

Bishop wiesen concluded the conversation by providing the raccoon dog a golden signet ring topped with a small gear. "you will be a part of that change."

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Pech gehabt

Es waren viele verschiedene gerã¼che, er kannte sie gut, hatte er doch so hã¤ufig in den wiesen sie wahrgenommen. doch etwas war anders.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5a, What's In a Name? (Pt 1)

That's wiesen!" roaring-flood leaned over the fox's shoulder, "no. we want man named crook."

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The Lead Crown: Ch 6c, Ghosts of the Past (Pt 1)

B) stick with sada as she goes to speak with wiesen so we can learn more about what the dragon is up to now. c) stay with brother jessen as he and alvis spend time together that night.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 7c, Proclamations (Pt 1)

When wiesen's rapid firing gun stopped that cinched it. glancing behind her, she saw a break in the crowd-- and she ran. "sada! get everyone to safety!"

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The Lead Crowm: A Reader's Companion

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