WWC: What happens in the north pole after Christmas night?

"hey boys, let's get the yolk and trace's put up then hit the showers. great work tonight!" the reindeer made quick work of unbuckling themselves from the traces and the elves hoisted the yolk back into its rack on the wall.

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The Chronicles of Eurenia: The Svaria War - Chapter Two

He sat next to me and grabbed the pan full of that light-green yolk. he started dipping his finger in it and eating it. i joined in. the light-green yolk was li- ma-bo reux!!! there we go!!! ma-bo reux! that's what it's called!!!

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Frontier Product Testing - Part 1

He stared down at his foxhood and took another calming breath, still feeling a little unsure, still anxious about exposing something as precious as his maleness to an experimental drug made from jellified parasite egg-yolk.

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Lophiformes Elapidae Cordyceps

She expected a mess of white and yolk to drip down her hand, but what oozed between her fingers was an opaque, sticky, whitish substance.

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Morning Massacre

With a simple crack of it against the counter, he let the yolk fall into the heating pan, right on top of the micros trying to escape from this predicament.

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Cooking Ch. 1

Valexia stared into the yolk of the egg her husband was cracking. "oh..." she beamed at it as her stomach growled loudly. her husband, max, was making cornbread.


Ander - Chapter 7, Subchapter 84

You can't get to the yolk without first cracking the shell. how silly of me..." _no!_ ander crawled along the floor, pulling himself along by his claws. "that's right. just a little tap tap tap and a crack and then you suck out the yolk..."

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A Superhero arrives.

Get some yolk in those shorts." myu said with a grin. she didn't care about some girls intelligence- better she just lie out her intelligence in eggs, and have those eggs break into nothing but yolk, and left to rot.

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Earth's New Masters Chapter 26 Gofer's Tale Part 5 The Dog God

To my surprise he poked the yolk with his toast and the yolk was still runny. he used his toast to sop it up and ate it. i tried it and it was really good. whenever he ate a bite of something i ate the same size bite.

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Ander - Part 6: Subchapter 176

You can't get to the yolk without first cracking the shell. how silly of me..." _no!_ ander crawled along the floor, pulling himself along by his claws, feeling like his weight had tripled in the span of a few seconds. "that's right.

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Spirit Bound Spin Off Chapter 11: Darkness

It was like trying to pick up bar soap and egg yolks combined. it hurts "geoff manifest and like move him with your power or something." nickolas said sounding scared. it hurts. " we don't know what that could do to him!"

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